Family & Relationships Conflict

I Dumped My Boyfriend and Now I Want Him Back - How Can I Get Him Back?

This happens so many times in life and it actually sounds funny but it's really hard to go through this.
You like a guy and everything is perfect until the day you discover something that you hate so much about him that you dumped him without even trying to find out why and without finding a solution.
This can be anything you didn't like about him, maybe his way of walking or his way of laughing or anything.
But later on, you discover that this is no big deal and now you regret the awful decision you took.
Unfortunately, he has nothing to do with you now but you still want him back! Have you tried winning him back and you failed? Dumping your boyfriend for petty reasons means degrading him and of course causing him pain.
So, after what you did, it's quite normal that he rejects you.
He may be afraid to go through this pain again.
He will definitely not want to take that risk once more.
So the best thing to do is to leave him alone.
Respect his emotions and do what he wants.
Stop pestering him if you want to get him back.
Let me tell you something, don't take it as an offense, I am just trying to help you.
You'll see my advice will surely help you in the future.
The actual problem is with you.
Yes, you don't know what you want.
Remember, you admitted having feelings for him, you liked him, but you dumped your boyfriend and now you want him back.
Maybe, unconsciously, you just wanted to test his feelings for you.
That's why you put him through the distress of a break up, but this is bad.
The problem may be from the "inner you".
So, my friend, work on yourself first if you want him back.

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