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Household Painting Tips

    • Get ready to paint the house by using a clean roller.paint roller image by Ana de Sousa from Fotolia.com

      Get over the dread of painting the interior of your home by looking at the process from the perspective of psychological therapy that is much cheaper than seeing a shrink. From the physical act of applying paint to the walls to the attitudinal lift you can get by moving away from drab white to mood-lifting vibrant colors, painting your house can actually have the ultimate effect of making you happier. Knowing some tips to make the process less frustrating won't hurt either.

    Clean Everything

    • Clean the room to be painted as thoroughly as possible. Dust and dirt particles can get under the paint without your realizing, but you will quickly see the damage after the paint dries. This means vacuuming all surfaces, mopping floors, paying careful attention to corners and washing down walls.

    Save Leftover Paint

    • Don't toss out that small bit of paint that is left over in the can or the pan. Empty that paint into a glass jar and set it aside. Later, when you find that you need to do touch-up jobs, you won't have to worry about finding the exact matching paint you used last time because it will be waiting for you.

    Making White Whiter

    • A surprising painting tip comes from "Haley's Hints." If you have decided to go with white paint, make sure to get a small can of black paint, too. Stir just one small drop of black paint into the can of white paint. The authors swear that this will actually make the paint whiter.

    One Door, Two Colors

    • Painting the front and back of a door two different colors can create a very dramatic effect, especially if it's a swinging door. This effect can come undone if you do not pay special attention to the hinge. Paint the hinge edge the same color as the trim that it faces and paint the front edge of the hinge the color of the room into which it opens. This process will complete the effect you are looking for.

    Making Good Use of W

    • When using a roller instead of a brush, begin painting a large surface like a wall by painting a large "W" that starts with the upward stroke. Smooth the paint out horizontally and complete the paint coverage with strokes that reach in every direction. Complete this beginning process by lifting the roller at the end of each stroke to avoid smearing.

    Removing Paint Odor

    • After being around the smell of paint all day while applying it, the last thing you want is for the odor to stick around for a long time. A unique way of removing the smell of paint from a freshly painted room is to sink a few handfuls of hay into some water. Take it out and squeeze out the moisture and then place the damp hay into pans around the room. Once the hay dries, dampen it again. The oils in the paint vapor will quickly be absorbed by the hay.

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