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Steps to Have Good School Habits and Increase Intelligence For Young Children

Although school can be difficult there are some steps to get your child started right an continue throughout the school year.
Schooling can be stressful, tiring ad demanding.
The children go through many physical and mental challenges as they grow.
Every grade has its challenges.
School Step1 To start the school year kids need to know what is expected.
If needed you can sit down with your child to let them know what is expected of them.
Children need structure and guidance, because it helps them feel secure in their surroundings and will diminish any future problems that may arise.
Sometimes planning the school year ahead of time should make your life less stressful too.
School Step 2 Getting children to bed is important to help them grow in and out.
Sleep deprivation can cause many problems, including lack of concentration and personality changes.
Kids need a good eight hours of sleep.
A good rule of thumb is to put them in bed no later than nine o'clock.
Even if your child stays up in bed and cant fall asleep, at least they are getting rest.
School Step 3 Pack a lunch that has plenty of nutrition.
The cafeteria may not have the adequate amount of the proper nutrients to keep them bright and attentive.
School Step 4 If there are no dress codes in your school then make sure your student dresses properly.
Children want to be accepted and pat of acceptance is wound deep within the way the kids dress themselves.
Of course there are acceptable and unacceptable ways to dress, its important as a parent to make sure they don't cross that line.
Kids will feel like they dress.
School Step 5 This step is more like a wish list, but worth discussing with your child.
Discuss with them the activities in school that they will participate in.
For instance, they might want to find a seat that is in the front of the room.
Taking a seat in the back may make them less attentive to the teacher.
This works especially well if your child has a poor attention span.
School Step 6 How many times do kids hold a book bag with large amounts of heavy laden material.
Books can be heavy so adding the burden by giving them ring binders that are wide can only increase the size of the bag and make it harder to carry.
Buy flexible type binders so they can compress into each other.
Having good school habits throughout the year will benefit your child in many ways.
They will feel less stressed, may get better grades,feel more secure and will learn responsibility.
Learning these habits early may translate into better career habits.

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