Follow – Innovate Or Compete?
It's time to think and create your online presence that you want to achieve. Remember that whatever you do on the net, people watch you, even if you think they don't. The decision how you want to be seen or the way you want to appear is down to you and required. I can give you 4 typical traits of behaviour what you can find on the net or think about yourself as a representative.
1.) Innovator
- It is someone who invests loads of money into online presence. Innovators online appearance is large, expensive and has loads of gee-whiz features. Many of this expensive online marketing efforts are failures, and others succeed so well that give recognition outside the world-wide-web. Innovators spend significant amount of money i the offline world on advertising their online presence and partner with leaders.
2.) Fast Follower
- By watching innovators, fast followers implement their techniques and try to avoid expensive mistakes. Their marketing is not so aggressive and is cost effective. It is healthy balance between offline and online marketing effort.
3.) Competitor
- builds his or her online presence based on evidence of success or failure before adding new directions to the online marketing effort. Occasionally does something innovative. This approach is understood as a reasonable and categorised as a middle class. Expenditures are low, high impact and offline marketing is priority over online effort.
4.) Conservative
- In this scenario expenditures are very little. s the lead is given to the competitors and own online presence is decreased to minimum. Why? Because focus is on other areas of the business and minimal online presence is best for the business.
There is said a lot to be a conservative in your approach to build online presence. One of the reasons is that there is plenty of expensive websites what quickly turned into liabilities because of poor design and content. Another reason is that successful online presence requires time. Everyone of those leaders out there took their time to develop their online presence to the level they wanted and it didn't happen over night, so don't get discouraged. Enjoy the process!
On the other hand, from your investigation conducted among people with great online stuff you might find out gaps, niche where they don't exist or exists very little and here comes the chance for you to sand out fro the crowd. Business is always about taking some chances and sizing opportunities. Find the one you think is worth taking
Leading is not by having the best stuff on earth, the most expensive and flashy but being yourself and find the way is the most adequate and suitable for you. Useful content and features are always better than use of advanced technologies or whizzy features.
1.) Innovator
- It is someone who invests loads of money into online presence. Innovators online appearance is large, expensive and has loads of gee-whiz features. Many of this expensive online marketing efforts are failures, and others succeed so well that give recognition outside the world-wide-web. Innovators spend significant amount of money i the offline world on advertising their online presence and partner with leaders.
2.) Fast Follower
- By watching innovators, fast followers implement their techniques and try to avoid expensive mistakes. Their marketing is not so aggressive and is cost effective. It is healthy balance between offline and online marketing effort.
3.) Competitor
- builds his or her online presence based on evidence of success or failure before adding new directions to the online marketing effort. Occasionally does something innovative. This approach is understood as a reasonable and categorised as a middle class. Expenditures are low, high impact and offline marketing is priority over online effort.
4.) Conservative
- In this scenario expenditures are very little. s the lead is given to the competitors and own online presence is decreased to minimum. Why? Because focus is on other areas of the business and minimal online presence is best for the business.
There is said a lot to be a conservative in your approach to build online presence. One of the reasons is that there is plenty of expensive websites what quickly turned into liabilities because of poor design and content. Another reason is that successful online presence requires time. Everyone of those leaders out there took their time to develop their online presence to the level they wanted and it didn't happen over night, so don't get discouraged. Enjoy the process!
On the other hand, from your investigation conducted among people with great online stuff you might find out gaps, niche where they don't exist or exists very little and here comes the chance for you to sand out fro the crowd. Business is always about taking some chances and sizing opportunities. Find the one you think is worth taking
Leading is not by having the best stuff on earth, the most expensive and flashy but being yourself and find the way is the most adequate and suitable for you. Useful content and features are always better than use of advanced technologies or whizzy features.