Stop Emotional Eating and Lose Weight
Although we all know that emotional eating is wrong, and that food should only be used as a source of nourishment it is hard for us to change our ways.
Our relationship with food is often emotionally led, full of satisfaction yet often leaving us feeling guilty.
This problem comes from our earliest rewards of sweets or chocolate as a child for being good.
Food becomes a metaphor for how we feel, and often what we can't say.
Even though we know our food is driven by our feelings we can't escape from a lifetime of reward.
What makes this worse is that often the food we use to comfort ourselves actually contain ingredients scientifically proven to make us feel good; like chocolate with its feel good neurotransmitter serotonin.
Unfortunately, as with most quick fixes, any pleasure experienced by comfort eating is soon followed by feelings of guilt and failure.
These feelings trigger a low mood, which then begins the cycle of emotional eating again and again.
Eating ice cream may make you feel good in the short term, but it won't help with the reason why you are comfort eating.
Finding out what causes you to comfort eat is the only way to stop this emotional roller coaster.
You should try and accept who you are and not base your feelings on what you eat, or how you look.
Only then will you be able to stop the emotional eating, start eating healthier and lead a happy healthier life.
Our relationship with food is often emotionally led, full of satisfaction yet often leaving us feeling guilty.
This problem comes from our earliest rewards of sweets or chocolate as a child for being good.
Food becomes a metaphor for how we feel, and often what we can't say.
Even though we know our food is driven by our feelings we can't escape from a lifetime of reward.
What makes this worse is that often the food we use to comfort ourselves actually contain ingredients scientifically proven to make us feel good; like chocolate with its feel good neurotransmitter serotonin.
Unfortunately, as with most quick fixes, any pleasure experienced by comfort eating is soon followed by feelings of guilt and failure.
These feelings trigger a low mood, which then begins the cycle of emotional eating again and again.
Eating ice cream may make you feel good in the short term, but it won't help with the reason why you are comfort eating.
Finding out what causes you to comfort eat is the only way to stop this emotional roller coaster.
You should try and accept who you are and not base your feelings on what you eat, or how you look.
Only then will you be able to stop the emotional eating, start eating healthier and lead a happy healthier life.