How to Assemble a Nonprofit Board of Directors

    • 1). Create a wish list of potential members to join your board of directors. As a whole, the board should offer a diverse skill set, so include candidates with backgrounds in areas such as financial planning, management or human resources.

    • 2). Review the list of potential board members and make sure it includes people with diverse ages, ethnicities and careers.

    • 3). Decide if you prefer a small board (seven members or fewer) that can make decisions quickly, or a larger board that incorporates as many community contacts as possible (which can be beneficial for raising funds). Remember that having an odd number of members will aid you when it comes time to vote on issues.

    • 4). Contact candidates individually and ask them to attend a board of directors interest meeting. You may create an application for each candidate to fill out at the meeting, or interview them and ask them what skills and experience they can bring to the table. This is also a good time for candidates to ask questions about being on the board and what that would entail.

    • 5). Choose candidates who you feel would be a good fit for the board and contact them individually. Explain that board members will be unpaid volunteers. If a person agrees to join the board, ask for a specific time commitment, such as one year.

    • 6). Once you have formed your board, thank all candidates who took time to speak with you about the position. Ask if you can keep them in mind for the future, as your board grows and more slots become available.

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