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Roof Trusses, Assembling and Hoisting

Trusses comprise the framework of a roofing system. Truss structure holds every single element in the roofing system, including the deck and the roofing itself. Generally, its design is based on the floor area of the house to be constructed. Precision in measurement is necessary; an inch of mistake can lead to repeating the entire construction procedure.

Pitch and running are vital elements involved in the measurement. Total pitch pertains to the vertical distance from the central base of the truss structure to its vertex, while running is the horizontal distance from one edge of the truss system to the center. In plane and spherical geometry, the hypotenuse they make is more popularly called "slope." The ratio of these two elements, especially increase in pitch, determines if an attic can be created out of the roofing system.

In cold provinces like British Columbia, there are different types of roofing system. This variation results from the type of truss structures used. Some truss structures with large pitch value produce roofing systems with attic rooms while others with low pitch value are less inclined to almost flat. Roofing companies and contractors in this province offer a myriad of options for the purpose of either maximizing the expensive worth of long pitch by constructing an attic or minimizing expenses by structuring trusses with short pitch.

Constructing trusses is quite easy, especially when tendons are readily available and just need to be connected. The length of each tendon is dependent on the total width of the house, whereas the trusses will be placed in series, and on the pitch. All members must be cut precisely and assembled before being hoisted. Any bc roofing company offers prefabricated tendons with assembling guide or blueprint.

Truss members must be assembled using plywood instead of metal plates, which are very hard to grip on the wood when nailed or bolted. Some bc roofing contractors even conduct bolting so that the truss structures are ready to be craned once delivered to the site.

Connecting the truss structure on top of the deck beams and girders is quite difficult and involves balancing to obtain perfect vertical erection. With the use of cranes operated by a professional from a bc roofing company, all trusses can be hoisted and connected to the house properly. When everything is set, rafters can be installed as well as the roofing.

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