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Top 10 Tips to Control Diabetes

1) Recent study has shown that people having type 2 diabetes can remarkably control their sugar levels by following a vegan lifestyle. Foods from these groups can especially be beneficial. Grains: Whole wheat pasta, brown rice, high-fibre cereals, corn, oatmeal, couscous, bulgur wheat, millet, barley, rye, etc. Legumes: Beans (black, pinto, kidney, garbanzo, white, etc.), peas, lentils, non-fat soy products like tofu. Vegetables: All except white potatoes. Examples include tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, collards, squash, green beans, bok choy, sweet potatoes, and artichokes.

2) Diabetics are always told to increase their physical activity and lose weight. This is because, when you're exercising, your body derives energy from glucose reserves of your body. When that stored glucose is exhausted, your body extracts glucose from the bloodstream. This causes a drop in blood glucose levels. After your finish exercising, your liver restores the exhausted energy reserves, which further helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Regular exercise also increases your sensitivity to insulin. It also helps to burn fat, lower blood pressure cholesterol and improves circulation.

3) Study has suggested that increased water intake plays an important role in how the body regulates blood sugar levels. When the body is dehydrated, vasopressin, a hormone that helps to retain water in the body, signals the liver to produce more glucose, which increases blood glucose levels.

4) Nuts to your diet and control blood glucose levels. Although high in calories, nuts like almonds, peanuts and walnuts are good sources of fibres, vitamin E and magnesium, which regulate blood sugar levels efficiently. Nuts also contain healthy fats that are good for heart health in diabetics.

5) Fruits like oranges, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, berries, melons and sweet limes have properties like insulin, which help to control blood sugar levels naturally. Other than that diabetics can have all fruits except avocados, olives, pineapple, and watermelon.

6) Therapies such as acupressure, homeopathy and Ayurveda have shown to significantly control diabetes.

7) Green tea contains polyphenols, a substance that helps to increase insulin activity. Green tea also inhibits certain enzymes involved in digestion of carbohydrates, which reduces the rate at which glucose is released into the bloodstream.

8) Increased stress levels can completely disturb the glandular system of your body. Since diabetes is a hormonal disorder, stress can have a negative impact on health. So meditation, relaxation and good sleep are important for controlling diabetes.

9) Several plant extracts have shown to have anti-diabetic properties. Especially, methi (fenugreek leaves), tulsi leaves (Basil), neem leaves

10) Naturally sweet plants is shown to be an excellent substitute of sugar in diabetics. It stabilizes blood sugar levels by increasing insulin resistance, inhibiting absorption of glucose and promoting health of the pancreas.

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