Want to Get Your Ex Back? Here is a Killer Game Plan That Works Surprisingly Well
Are you serious about salvaging the relationship with your ex? If you want to get them back you're going to need to have a solid game plan.
Rushing in blindly is a sure recipe for disaster and you'll probably end up pushing them further away.
You probably plan for most of the things in life that are important, right? Going on vacation, changing jobs, moving, etc.
These are all things that you would plan for.
Saving a relationship is no different.
Unfortunately the majority of us have not been taught what to do in order to win a loved one back.
This lack of knowledge is what leads to weeks, months, or even years of trial and error, heartache and frustration.
It doesn't have to be this way.
Successfully getting your ex back depends on working in harmony with basic human instinct.
Work with your ex's human nature and you will greatly improve your odds of getting back together.
Work against your ex's human nature and they will resist you by putting up an emotional wall.
How to work with your ex's human nature in order to win them back: It's human nature to resist when feeling pressured.
Your ex is no different...
they will withdraw and even avoid you if they feel like you're being too pushy, needy or desperate.
This type of behavior is probably out of character for you and it makes your ex feel very uncomfortable.
You want your ex to be drawn towards you, not running away from you.
This is done by backing off and giving them space.
Allow them some time to miss you.
How can your ex miss you if you're always bothering them? It's human nature to want what we can't have and take for granted those things that are readily available.
Stop making yourself totally available.
Allowing your ex some space to miss you and wonder what you're up to is very powerful.
When you finally make contact with them again, make sure you don't go back to acting desperate or needy in any way.
Stay casual and fun.
Don't put any pressure on them.
Allow them to reconnect with the original positive energy that attracted them to you when you guys first met.
Now they will be much more open to a reunion.
Rushing in blindly is a sure recipe for disaster and you'll probably end up pushing them further away.
You probably plan for most of the things in life that are important, right? Going on vacation, changing jobs, moving, etc.
These are all things that you would plan for.
Saving a relationship is no different.
Unfortunately the majority of us have not been taught what to do in order to win a loved one back.
This lack of knowledge is what leads to weeks, months, or even years of trial and error, heartache and frustration.
It doesn't have to be this way.
Successfully getting your ex back depends on working in harmony with basic human instinct.
Work with your ex's human nature and you will greatly improve your odds of getting back together.
Work against your ex's human nature and they will resist you by putting up an emotional wall.
How to work with your ex's human nature in order to win them back: It's human nature to resist when feeling pressured.
Your ex is no different...
they will withdraw and even avoid you if they feel like you're being too pushy, needy or desperate.
This type of behavior is probably out of character for you and it makes your ex feel very uncomfortable.
You want your ex to be drawn towards you, not running away from you.
This is done by backing off and giving them space.
Allow them some time to miss you.
How can your ex miss you if you're always bothering them? It's human nature to want what we can't have and take for granted those things that are readily available.
Stop making yourself totally available.
Allowing your ex some space to miss you and wonder what you're up to is very powerful.
When you finally make contact with them again, make sure you don't go back to acting desperate or needy in any way.
Stay casual and fun.
Don't put any pressure on them.
Allow them to reconnect with the original positive energy that attracted them to you when you guys first met.
Now they will be much more open to a reunion.