Bioresonance Therapy (brt)
Bioresonance therapy (BRT) is to correct the functions of the organism under the influence of electromagnetic radiation strictly defined parameters, just as the fork is responsible for a specific frequency range of sound waves.
The idea of BRT using weak electromagnetic fluctuations inherent to the patient, was first raised and scientifically justified F. Morelli (1977). In a normal physiological state of the body is supported by the relative synchronization of different vibrational (wave) processes, while pathological states, there are violations of vibrational harmony. This can be expressed in violation of the basic rhythms of physiological processes, for example by a sharp prevalence of trigger mechanism or braking in the central nervous system and changes in cortical-subcortical interactions.
BRT - is fluctuating electromagnetic therapy, which includes the structure of the organism in response. The impact as possible on the cellular level, and at the level of organ systems and holistic organism. The basic idea of applying resonance in medicine is that, if properly selecting the frequency and forms of treatment (electromagnetic) can enhance the effects of normal (physiologic) and reduce the pathological variations in the human body. Thus, bioresonance impact may be directed as to neutralize the pathological, and to restore physiological fluctuations, irregularities in pathological states.
The highest priority should be given options for BRT, based on the choice of frequency and forms of therapeutic treatment signal by using feedback from the patient or those in which a form of therapeutic signal, for example, in line with the bioelectric activity of various structures in the normal (physiological) state of the organism.
In accordance with this now should distinguish two main types of therapy:
-endogenous BRT - this therapy is its own electromagnetic fluctuations in the human body after their special treatment;
-exogenous BRT - this therapy by external signals, which separate organs and systems of the human body is composed of resonance, for example, the magnetic fields created by special generators.
The idea of BRT using weak electromagnetic fluctuations inherent to the patient, was first raised and scientifically justified F. Morelli (1977). In a normal physiological state of the body is supported by the relative synchronization of different vibrational (wave) processes, while pathological states, there are violations of vibrational harmony. This can be expressed in violation of the basic rhythms of physiological processes, for example by a sharp prevalence of trigger mechanism or braking in the central nervous system and changes in cortical-subcortical interactions.
BRT - is fluctuating electromagnetic therapy, which includes the structure of the organism in response. The impact as possible on the cellular level, and at the level of organ systems and holistic organism. The basic idea of applying resonance in medicine is that, if properly selecting the frequency and forms of treatment (electromagnetic) can enhance the effects of normal (physiologic) and reduce the pathological variations in the human body. Thus, bioresonance impact may be directed as to neutralize the pathological, and to restore physiological fluctuations, irregularities in pathological states.
The highest priority should be given options for BRT, based on the choice of frequency and forms of therapeutic treatment signal by using feedback from the patient or those in which a form of therapeutic signal, for example, in line with the bioelectric activity of various structures in the normal (physiological) state of the organism.
In accordance with this now should distinguish two main types of therapy:
-endogenous BRT - this therapy is its own electromagnetic fluctuations in the human body after their special treatment;
-exogenous BRT - this therapy by external signals, which separate organs and systems of the human body is composed of resonance, for example, the magnetic fields created by special generators.