Health & Medical Self-Improvement

In Pursuit Of Happiness- A Never Ending Journey

We all seek joy. Everyone wants to be happy but how many of us really are? Let"s face it. It is not possible for a person to be happy all the time. But it is a fact that some people are definitely leading a more contented life than others. Research reveals that happiness has nothing to do with material goods and achievements. A person who feels extremely happy when achieving something experiences that feeling only for a temporary period of time.
It has been found that every individual has a separate degree of happiness that he or she can experience. No matter what good or bad events occur, people experience extreme level of contentment for only a short period of time. After that it"s back to square one. They go back to their original degree of happiness. So folks, let me remind you that if you experience happiness by reading this article, it is going to be only for a short span of time. If you strive for permanent happiness then you have to make some changes in your attitude. Now there are some rules that you need to be happy. Rule number one is to follow your instincts. There was recently a study conducted on people. They were asked to choose posters to take to their homes. One group was asked to choose posters based on their instincts and the other group had to carefully analyze the pros and cons before choosing them. The result was that people who choose the posters based on their instincts were happier with them when compared to the others who were analytic. Actually it makes no difference because pondering too much on pros and cons will not have any remarkable change and you will experience joy only on a temporary basis. So follow your instincts while making decisions and never regret them.
Make money just enough to satisfy your basic needs namely food, clothing and shelter. Do not be under the impression that anything that you earn more is going to increase your happiness. Your comfort level may increase if you earn more but comfort will not give you more happiness it is your level of optimism which is the determination factor. Choose your home nearby your friends and relatives because they have a relatively high impact on your happiness. In case you are not in good terms with them then choose a place where people earn somewhere around the same pay scale as you earn because that tends to make you happier. Do not be under the impression that finding the job you love will increase your happiness. It definitely will for a period of time but at the end of the day, the relationship with your peers will dominate your happiness and so the key is to seek for happiness in your present job. It is suggested by science that smiling will elevate your mood whether you are happy or not. So always remember to wear a smile.
The act of forgiveness will help you to reduce stress and it heals your heart though it is still unknown how forgiveness is related to the heart. Try and make friends with people who share the same interests as you for they are bound to give you joy. Eliminate activities that are not necessary and which you don"t enjoy. You could even write down your thoughts to plan out your thoughts and calm down your anxiety. I get immense joy when I spend time talking with my loved one over the phone using my FiOS Digital Voice.

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