Acne : Health & Medical

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Sudden Onset Adult Cystic Acne

Sudden Onset Adult Cystic Acne

Despite popular belief, acne is a skin problem which can attack any person at any time in their lives and applies to both genders and all ethnic groups. Women can get it, specifically pregnant women, teenagers, even babies, and yes men as well. Sudden onset adult cystic acne is a problem which many ......[Read More]
Remedies for Acne - The Best Type of Acne Treatment

Remedies for Acne - The Best Type of Acne Treatment

Many doctors think that they have the right remedies for acne. Unfortunately they way that they treat acne can often lead to more problems. Each acne sufferer needs to find a long-term cure for acne. Find out what dangers are lurking in common methods of treating acne. Understand better how acne and......[Read More]
3 Quick Herbal Remedies

3 Quick Herbal Remedies

In recent years the issue of Alternative Healing has skyrocketed to the forefront of the medical field. A 2004 government survey concluded that more than one third of adults use alternative medicine and healing.......[Read More]
What to Eat for Clear Skin - See the Top Foods to Clear the Acne!

What to Eat for Clear Skin - See the Top Foods to Clear the Acne!

If you wonder what to eat for clear skin, then I am ready to congratulate you. The reason for this is that I applaud that you already understood that all the creams, pills and lotions can't remove the acne. The only one permanent way to do it is to eat the right food and by that to deliver your......[Read More]
How to Stop Adult Acne - 3 Methods That Can Finally Stop Pimples From Ruining Your Confidence

How to Stop Adult Acne - 3 Methods That Can Finally Stop Pimples From Ruining Your Confidence

Acne tends to happen to teenagers but what if you are one of those who got affected by such problems only after your teen years are over. Adult acne, as it is more commonly known, affects 20% of mature male and 50% of mature female.But fret not.Since adults have much more earning power than they wer......[Read More]
Is Retin-A Drying Out Your Skin? Try These Tips

Is Retin-A Drying Out Your Skin? Try These Tips

Retin-A is a great acne treatment, but it sure can make your skin dry! Don't ditch the Retin-A yet. There are things you can do to diminish the dryness, peeling, flaking.......[Read More]
The Merits of Natural Acne Remedies

The Merits of Natural Acne Remedies

Acne is characterized by the inflammations of the skin and affects all people regardless of age and social orientation. Acne has many causes but skin experts generally agree that diet, hormonal imbalance and stress are some of the common factors which contribute highly to the occurrence of acne.......[Read More]
Simple Solution to Get Rid of Blackheads Now

Simple Solution to Get Rid of Blackheads Now

There's another way to get rid of blackheads other than to pinch squeeze and extract. Nose strips and blackhead removers are no good, as they can damage your skin and only cause the problem to worsen. The answer is to use a natural solution that will quickly get rid of blackheads and make sure ......[Read More]
Home Remedies For Acne Scars - Change The Facial Appearance

Home Remedies For Acne Scars - Change The Facial Appearance

Acne marks could be frightful, and can change the facial appearance of a person. The good thing is that acne marks are treatable with home remedies.......[Read More]
3 Effective Acne Home Remedies

3 Effective Acne Home Remedies

You probably already have all of the ingredients that you need for acne home remedies in your kitchen. That's right, your kitchen - not in the medicine cabinet in your bathroom. Even a poorly stocked kitchen contains many ingredients needed to help calm and cure your acne fast.......[Read More]
Affordable Acne Solutions

Affordable Acne Solutions

Affordable acne solutions include over-the-counter remedies. The various acne solutions that are easily available and affordable are non-prescription remedies like topical treatments. They not only act against acne breakouts, but also reduce the further occurrence of acne.......[Read More]
Home Remedies for Acne - Remove Pimples With Natural Treatments

Home Remedies for Acne - Remove Pimples With Natural Treatments

Acne is a common skin disorder observed generally in teenagers at the onset of puberty and continues till they cross 25. It occurs due to the clogging of the sebaceous oil glands and appears in the form of nodules, blisters, pimples, white heads and black heads.......[Read More]
A Few Basic Strategies For Dealing With Acne

A Few Basic Strategies For Dealing With Acne

Dealing with acne is rarely an easy task, regardless or how young or old you may be. Even though this issue is common during puberty, it is also possible to develop blemishes as an adult.......[Read More]
Back Acne - 7 Natural Acne Treatment Tips

Back Acne - 7 Natural Acne Treatment Tips

The principle behind the back and face acne is the same but it is harder to cure or treat back acne. The back is the body part that is hidden from one's eye and is difficult to reach while washing. The further back is a body part that is normally pressed most by the body weight when the person ......[Read More]
4 Super Foods And Herbs That Help Cure Acne To Get You Fast Results

4 Super Foods And Herbs That Help Cure Acne To Get You Fast Results

Treating acne using foods and herbs can be a great way to deal with acne. While some people might not think that it's possible to cure acne by just eating some herbs and change the course of a diet, based on my first hand experience, it is really possible doing so. This article will show you so......[Read More]
How to Get Rid of Skin Scratches

How to Get Rid of Skin Scratches

Scratches on your skin may give you an infection if left untreated and many scratch sufferers try to hide them. Getting rid of unsightly scratches is important if you plan to wear revealing clothing. You may not be able to erase the scratches, but there are ways to expedite the healing. With good sk......[Read More]
9 Remedies To Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars Naturally

9 Remedies To Get Rid Of Old Acne Scars Naturally

Acne is the most common condition that develops due to excessive production of sebaceous glands, resulting in blockage of follicles. Often, this is observed during adolescence, both in men and women.......[Read More]
4 of the Most Popular Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne and Keep it From Appearing Again

4 of the Most Popular Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne and Keep it From Appearing Again

Acne is usually a skin disorder that occurs during a person's teenage years. There is a wide majority of adolescents that has been affected by some form of acne at one time or another. However, older adults are not excluded from this embarrassing skin condition.......[Read More]
Information On How Acne Treatments Will Help Your Skin

Information On How Acne Treatments Will Help Your Skin

One thing that everyone has in common is that they have all had at least one pimple.In most cases, people start to develop acne in their teen years as they progress through puberty.Then it tends to go away as one matures into an adult. In other situations, people go through their entire life sufferi......[Read More]
Great Homemade Acne Remedies - Stop Acne Now!

Great Homemade Acne Remedies - Stop Acne Now!

If you search the internet, you can find hundreds and even thousands of recipes and concoctions on homemade anti-acne cures. Some of you may have doubts if these homemade acne remedies can do their magic. But did you know that most of the substances found in many anti-acne creams contain the very in......[Read More]