To be Or Not To Be Convicted
People are convicted from time to time for illicit actions starting from possessing a fake ID to a murder. However in all such cases, the ones that end up behind bars are those who failed ... ......[Read More]
Traffic Ticket Lawyer Hauppauge
Reasons Why People Get Booked It therefore happens that every once in a while people get tempted to commit traffic offenses. You know, once in a hurry and therefore the next lane looks free of ... ......[Read More]
Washington State Divorce Legal Issues
People approaching Washington divorces are often surprised by the deficiency of clear rules. People ask their lawyers, '' How much alimony do I have to pay?'' ''How much child support will I owe?'' How long ... ......[Read More]
What Is Vandalism?
Vandalism laws vary from state to state, but crimes of vandalism generally involve knowingly defacing or destroying a structure or its contents. These structures can be cemeteries, buildings, and even caves. Depending on the severity of the destruction, a person charged with vandalism can be convict......[Read More]
Dna fingerprinting in criminal justice system
The most obvious benefit of the use of DNA identification is in criminal investigations which arises when the technique generates a link between a suspect and a crime that ultimately leads to the conv......[Read More]
Warrant Laws
Police can ask a judge for search or arrest warrants.police line image by cico from Fotolia.comA warrant is a writ issued by a judge or magistrate directing someone to act. Under the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, people are guaranteed the right to be free from unreasonable.........[Read More]
Pardons and Quality Signals Without Consumer Referral
Word-of-mouth is typically the strongest indicator of quality. When a mechanism such as disavowal of usage is inherent in a market, other signals must be consulted. The market for pardons is presented as an illustration.......[Read More]
How to Expunge a Felony in Columbia, South Carolina
Although the highest court in South Carolina, the state Supreme Court, is located in Columbia, those who are looking to have a felony charges removed from their criminal record in that city will probably conduct their business at a lower court. According to the South Carolina Judicial Department, th......[Read More]
Scott Huminski v. City of Surprise, Arizona (not yet docketed in SCOTUS) Bonita Springs, Florida & Washington D.C. In a filing received by the U.S. Supreme Court, government is portrayed fervently defending a state criminal ... ......[Read More]
Bad Check Writing Laws
A bad check is one that is written on an account containing insufficient funds to cover the amount represented on the check document. When such a check is used to pay for goods or services, the check writer can end up in a lot of trouble. The type of trouble depends on several things including the s......[Read More]
Bail Bonds in Anaheim
The main purpose of the Bail bonds in Culver City is to basically ensure the defendant's appearance in the court. When the family member is unable to afford the full bail......[Read More]
Is the death penalty is still appropriate?
Little by little, countries are ditching the death penalty. On September 19 a bill nude, a Sudanese man was executed in Saudi Arabia for the crime of sorcery. On September 21 Tory Davis, a black man c......[Read More]
A Few Tips for Selecting the Best Divorce Lawyer for Your Case
Deciding on the lawyer who will represent you in your divorce case is an extremely important decision. There are certain rules that should be if you are going to hire a divorce lawyer. Remember you ... ......[Read More]
Definitions of Rape
Rape is a very strange term. Most of us would think that rape is one of the most easily definable crimes that a person can commit. However, this is not the case. Rape is a legal term that has a different definition in many jurisdictions. This is what makes the term "rape" so confusing. Dep......[Read More]
How to Report Food Stamp Fraud in Virginia
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, provides electronic benefit cards that can be used like cash at grocery stores to qualifying low-income families, according to the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. The Virginia Department of Social Services admi......[Read More]
How Can I Look Up a New York Summons?
In New York state, court dates and a list of documents filed in each case can be found online along with the case numbers. The summons itself is only available at the court where it was filed.......[Read More]
Ask Your Lawyer: Can I Settle My Own Car Accident Case?
Q. I was in a car accident. I felt o.k. after the accident, but the next day I did have some pain, so I went to the doctor. The car accident was the other guy's ... ......[Read More]
What Does it Mean to Be Acquitted?
In United States criminal law proceedings, a defendant may be acquitted or convicted. While it is easy to understand what these words mean on the surface, a lot of complex legal issues are wrapped up with acquittals.......[Read More]
What Makes Up the Criminal Justice System?
In the United States, criminal justice systems exist at the federal, state and military levels and are comprised of several major subsystems. Separate criminal justice systems for adults and juveniles exist at the state level.......[Read More]