Eating & Food : Health & Medical

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How to Work With Fondant Icing

How to Work With Fondant Icing

Fondant is a thick sugar-based covering that is rolled over cakes, used to decorate cookies and cupcakes, and poured on candies as a glaze. Rolled fondant usually produces dark colors; poured fondant produces pastel colors. Create flavors and colors by adding chocolate or candy oil. Purchase pre-rol......[Read More]
More Holy Trinity Hungarian Church Noodle Makers

More Holy Trinity Hungarian Church Noodle Makers

Hungarian noodles are made from scratch weekly at Holy Trinity Hungarian Church in East Chicago, Ind.......[Read More]
How to Soften Dry Ice Tea Mix That Has Hardened

How to Soften Dry Ice Tea Mix That Has Hardened

Dry iced tea mix allows you to make flawless iced tea at home any time; you don't even need to brew tea; all you need to be able to do is follow instructions. The mix already comes perfectly blended so that when prepared, it tastes like you've made a careful concoction of tea, lemon and sugar. Dry i......[Read More]
How to Soak (Sprout) Grains, Nuts and Seeds

How to Soak (Sprout) Grains, Nuts and Seeds

Grains, nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors are mother nature's way of delaying them from sprouting before the next growing season. However, enzyme inhibitors make them more difficult for your body to digest. You can soak whole, organic, raw grains, nuts and seeds before e......[Read More]
Facts Regarding Atkins Diet Induction

Facts Regarding Atkins Diet Induction

Atkins diet plan food are easy to uncover and obtainable everywhere. The're a great many varieties to pick out from, whether you pick prepackaged low-carb diet meals or produce your uncover and obtainable everywhere. The're a great many varieties to pick out from, whether you pick prepacka......[Read More]
Alternatives to Watermelon for Kidney Cleanse

Alternatives to Watermelon for Kidney Cleanse

It's easy to take the kidneys for granted, but they are among the most hardworking organs in the body. The kidneys clear toxins and excess water from the bloodstream, and over time they can get a buildup of crystals, called kidney stones, that block kidney function. To maintain healthy kidneys, clea......[Read More]
About Runts Candy

About Runts Candy

Runts® are those small, fruit-shaped candies that are sold by Wonka. They are small, hard or chewy and sweet. They can be bought online in bulk quantities and work well in candy machines.......[Read More]
Incredibly Delicious Roasted Pork Shoulder (It's All in the Dry Rub)

Incredibly Delicious Roasted Pork Shoulder (It's All in the Dry Rub)

Pork shoulder roast is marinated in a dry spice rub, then slow-roasted in the oven.......[Read More]
Herbs to Cleanse a Body

Herbs to Cleanse a Body

Herbal detoxification is a popular trend among alternative-health enthusiasts. Proponents of body cleansing believe that regular detoxification can improve the overall health of the bowels, urinary tract, liver and bloodstream. A healthy diet and adequate water intake are necessary components of any......[Read More]
How to Convert a Keg Into a Brew Kettle

How to Convert a Keg Into a Brew Kettle

A home brewer can spend a lot of money on a brew kettle, which is needed to make beer. But another option is to modify an old keg into a brew kettle. It takes a lot of time, work and the right tools, but it can be done with an old keg and parts from a home or builder's supply store. Conversion kits ......[Read More]
Creamy Tofu Herb Dressing

Creamy Tofu Herb Dressing

This recipe for creamy tofu herb dressing can be addictive. Sautéed sweet onion, herbs and tofu merge into a velvety, rich dressing that is fantastic with crudités, salad, or as a sandwich spread. Vary the herbs for different flavors: tarragon, basil, parsley, cilantro and mint are all excellent.......[Read More]
Bronze Cooking Pots

Bronze Cooking Pots

Bronze cookware is used in many restaurants and professional cooking organizations but can also be enjoyed on the personal level at home. The main benefit of using copper cookware is its heat conductivity--the bronze outside and stainless steel cooking area ensures food is completely and equally hea......[Read More]
The Bread Process From Prehistory Back To Our Days

The Bread Process From Prehistory Back To Our Days

The Bread is One of the Most Ancient and Well-known Foods in the World. There are Also Really a Lot of Different Types of Bread, According to the Shape, the Dough, But Also the Weather and the Place i......[Read More]
These 10 Best Father's Day Recipes are Delicious and Easy to Make

These 10 Best Father's Day Recipes are Delicious and Easy to Make

Searching for the best Father's Day recipes? These top 10 best recipes to serve dad include Marinated Steak, Chocolate Oatmeal Cake, and Broccoli Bacon Salad.......[Read More]
How to: Egg Recipes for a Crockpot

How to: Egg Recipes for a Crockpot

That CrockPot or slow cooker that brought so much enthusiasm when it made its first appearance on the counter can now prove its versatility. Almost all slow cooker recipes are intended for dinner menus, but following are some ways to use the crock pot for egg dishes that will make your breakfasts or......[Read More]
The Clear Health Benefits Of Homemade Juice

The Clear Health Benefits Of Homemade Juice

When people hear of homemade juice, one of the things that come to mind is probably a refreshing drink at the end of a busy day; however, the juice that you make at home has far more health benefits than you could think of.......[Read More]
Why Use Salt When Hard Boiling Eggs?

Why Use Salt When Hard Boiling Eggs?

The most common reason to add salt to water when hard boiling an egg is to the increase the temperature of the water for better cooking. Evidence also suggests that salted water prevents an egg from cracking.......[Read More]
Keep Your Roast Moist: Pork Injection Marinade

Keep Your Roast Moist: Pork Injection Marinade

The BBQ Guru posted this recipe for a great pork injection solution. The secret here is to add your pork rub to the mixture to get the flavor inside and out.......[Read More]
Rose Cake Recipe - Torta Con Le Rose

Rose Cake Recipe - Torta Con Le Rose

This rose cake is beautiful to look at, easy to make, and open to a great many variations. Who could ask for more?......[Read More]
What Foods Are Canned in Oils?

What Foods Are Canned in Oils?

Foods canned in oils are high in flavor, and they have a longer expiration date. Commercially prepared foods canned in oil are considered safe to eat since they are prepared in a safe manner, but the City of Houston warns you should not eat foods canned in oils that were prepared at home since these......[Read More]