Gardening : Home & Garden

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Nasturtiums - Fiery Flowers of the Garden!

Nasturtiums - Fiery Flowers of the Garden!

Nasturtiums are best known for their fiery colors of reds, oranges, yellows and golds. Looking like a Victorian lady's parasol, these dainty flowers are framed by round emerald green leaves. For a brilliant splash of color in the garden try planting the bright red 'Empress of India' N......[Read More]
When Can We Plant Marigold Flowers in Louisiana?

When Can We Plant Marigold Flowers in Louisiana?

With ruffled petals in hues of orange, yellow and maroon, marigolds make a striking garden plant. These flowers dislike extremes of cold and heat; they cannot tolerate summer or winter in Louisiana.......[Read More]
Tips for Growing Fern Plants

Tips for Growing Fern Plants

Ferns make great plants for the garden or the home. Most prefer some shade and water, but there are many to choose from. Here are some tips and ideas for choosing and growing fern plants indoors or in the garden.......[Read More]
How to Change a Pop-up Sprinkler

How to Change a Pop-up Sprinkler

Automatic sprinkler systems take the hassle out of maintaining your lawn by turning on the water at pre-programmed times. If your yard's sprinkler system is malfunctioning, you may be able to save money by changing the pop-up sprinkler head instead of paying for a repairman to inspect the entire sys......[Read More]
No Fruit on Your Fruit Tree?

No Fruit on Your Fruit Tree?

If your fruit tree is not producing fruits, then do not worry. Some fruit trees take years to bear flowers and even longer to give you a real crop of fruits. If there are no fruits on your fruit tree, read through the following to understand why your tree is not producing any fruit:......[Read More]
Keep Problem Pests Away From Your Orchids

Keep Problem Pests Away From Your Orchids

Most plants including orchids suffer from some kind of pests or insects. The best defense against them is not to have them in the first place. However, short of that, keeping an eye out for any abnormalities or unusual things like spots or substances on leaves, stems and flowers may be a sign that t......[Read More]
Use a Log Cabin As a Playroom

Use a Log Cabin As a Playroom

After listening to my wife almost constant moaning about having to constantly clean and tidy up after the kids, I started to think about a playroom for all the kids toys and games. Moving house ... ......[Read More]
How To Build A Garden Trellis

How To Build A Garden Trellis

Space is limited in my garden raised beds, so I have to garden vertically when I can and make use of every square inch. This year, I decided that squash and cucumbers would share a 4'x8' bed. The cucu......[Read More]
The Average Cost of a Greenhouse

The Average Cost of a Greenhouse

Greenhouses are a convenient way to expand your garden. They allow for a larger variety of plants to grow in a controlled climate when they may otherwise not flourish. The cost of a greenhouse varies depending on size, climate control methods, and building material choices. However, by making the co......[Read More]
What Does a Plant Need to Grow?

What Does a Plant Need to Grow?

Lush green plants inside the home liven up the living space and bring a touch of nature inside. When grown outside, plants may create a relaxing area, brighten the landscape or simply provide fresh food for the home. Regardless of the reason you choose to grow plants, the same basic requirements for......[Read More]
What Happens When You Plant a Garlic Clove?

What Happens When You Plant a Garlic Clove?

Growing vegetables at home can be singularly rewarding in the sense that fresh, home-grown vegetables are at arm's length during harvest. It can also be much more cost-efficient than purchasing vegetables from the grocery store. Vegetables are typically grown from seed or from young plants started i......[Read More]
Silk Flower Home Arrangements

Silk Flower Home Arrangements

Many folks adore plants along with the majority of us need the flower lawn near home. Women and men supply regarding living space is a problem for everybody. While using rising area demands, this requ......[Read More]
How to Grow Organic Vegetables - Where to Start?

How to Grow Organic Vegetables - Where to Start?

How do you choose what to grow when you start an organic vegetable plot?......[Read More]
Solar Lamp posts are beautiful and environmentally friendly

Solar Lamp posts are beautiful and environmentally friendly

With the constant endeavour to save the environment, there is a continuous need for humans to look at and utilise alternate sources of power than electricity obtained from hydel and thermal power stat......[Read More]
Improve Your Rose Garden With These Tips And Advice On Where To Find Rose Gardening Help

Improve Your Rose Garden With These Tips And Advice On Where To Find Rose Gardening Help

When you are looking for rose gardening help, you have several different source options available to you, all of which are compiled by experts and other gardeners to assist you in your efforts.This article explores those options available to you that offer rose gardening help.......[Read More]
Rose - The Flower of Love and Romance

Rose - The Flower of Love and Romance

What is the flower that everyone visualizes and associates with love or romance? ‘Rose’ is the instant answer by anyone. The rose is placed on a high pedestal by almost all the ancient civilizations which is indicated by the fact that the flower has been associated with numerous myths an......[Read More]
List of Potted Plants

List of Potted Plants

Potted plants are relatively low-maintenance, except in the wintertime. Gardeners choose potted plants based on whether they want indoor or outdoor potted plants. Other factors that influence potted plant choices are location, level of sunlight and temperature. Versatile choices for all.........[Read More]
How to Grow Peppers

How to Grow Peppers

Growing peppers can add some spice to your foods and some beautiful colors to your garden. Although not the most difficult vegetables to grow, you will need to take care in order to grow healthy peppers. Read on to find out how to grow great peppers easily.......[Read More]
Grouping Your Pots

Grouping Your Pots

Grouping Pots......[Read More]
Outdoor Planters for Your Favorite Flowering Plants

Outdoor Planters for Your Favorite Flowering Plants

You have some empty space in front of your home and you are thinking of what will be the best accessory or ornament that can occupy the empty space and turn your doorstep into something ... ......[Read More]