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Arctic Beauty Kiwis - Why You Should Add This Fruit to Your Garden

The Arctic Beauty Kiwi is a native of Russia.
The most hardy of all kiwi vines, it is able to withstand temperatures of -40 degrees, and thrives from Canada to Florida.
It's vibrant shades of hot pink, white and jade colored leaves make it a perfect show piece for your garden.
Because it is a vine, it is best to grow this kiwi on a trellis, or let it climb along your fence.
It can grow 15 to 20 feet in a single year, but is well managed with pruning, and easy to train.
I bought a glider swing, trellis and arbor combo, and planted one male and one female kiwi on each side.
This has worked incredibly well for me, as the plants grew up the sides of the trellis and covered the top providing shade for the swing by the time weather got really hot.
I also love being able to pluck the kiwis right off the vine while gliding on my swing.
It is now the focal point of my yard, and my neighbors have all come over to find out what it is, and where I found them.
The fact that they naturally attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your yard is just another bonus you get by adding the Arctic Beauty Kiwi to your garden.
The female kiwi has to be pollinated by a male plant in order to produce kiwi fruit.
The male plant however, does not produce fruit itself.
It concentrates all of its energy into bloom production, providing the most dazzling display of hot pink, cream and jade colors to your garden.
It flowers heavily, bringing a rich pleasant fragrance into your garden.
When you order, you will receive one male kiwi vine, and one female kiwi vine - which should be planted side by side.
Your Arctic Beauty Kiwi will not produce fruit the first year, however you should begin to have fruit production by the second year, with increases each following year.
A mature Arctic Beauty Kiwi can produce up to 200 pounds of kiwis.
This kiwi produces small, smooth skinned fruit about the size of a large grape, that are absolutely delicious.
It is just as sweet and tangy as a fuzzy kiwi, packed with all the same vitamin C, only you get the added benefit of having it growing right in your own back yard.
The delightful colors last from spring until frost, and it flourishes in zones 3-9.
By adding this beautiful vine to your yard you get the best of both worlds - added beauty and delicious fruit = edible landscaping, what a great idea! I hope that you enjoy having this luscious fruit in your yard as much as I do.

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