First Aid & Hospitals & Surgery : Health & Medical

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Treatment for a Facial Fracture

Treatment for a Facial Fracture

WebMD takes you through the first aid steps for treating facial fractures such as a broken nose or eye socket.......[Read More]
Nonhealing Lower Extremity Wounds in Diabetes

Nonhealing Lower Extremity Wounds in Diabetes

Find out how this skin substitute heals leg ulcers in patients with diabetes -- when compared to conventional methods.......[Read More]
What Is Emergency Medical Consent?

What Is Emergency Medical Consent?

An emergency medical consent is a form you may need to sign for yourself or a loved one you are legally responsible for caring for. It is commonly used in many different types of situations. It is used in cases where you or someone in your legal care is injured, or becomes ill and you are not presen......[Read More]
Ultrasound-Mediated Oxygen Delivery to Lower Extremity Wounds

Ultrasound-Mediated Oxygen Delivery to Lower Extremity Wounds

Wound healing in patients with critical limb ischemia can be difficult due to diminished tissue oxygenation, often leading to recalcitrant ulcers and frequent limb loss. Does oxygen therapy with ultrasound help?......[Read More]
The Definition of a Patient Care Assistant

The Definition of a Patient Care Assistant

Patient care assistants, or PCAs, are health care professionals similar to nursing assistants. PCAs often have cross training in different areas of health care and have more training then the typical nursing assistant.......[Read More]
10 Deadliest Mushrooms

10 Deadliest Mushrooms

Deadly mushrooms may not be brightly colored or stand out in any way. Most of them look quite like any other edible or benign mushroom. Adequate treatments for some mushroom poisonings don't exist, so one mistake can be deadly even if you seek treatment. It takes a great deal of training to identify......[Read More]
How to Check Airway, Breathing and Circulation

How to Check Airway, Breathing and Circulation

When someone is found unresponsive, you can make a difference in this person's life by first calling 911 and then following these simple steps. Just remember ABC-airway, breathing, and circulation.......[Read More]
Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter, Controlled Trial of a

Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter, Controlled Trial of a

The first prospective, randomized, controlled, multicenter trial demonstrating a survival advantage for an extracorporeal liver assist system in FHF/SHF patients shows promise.......[Read More]
Poisoning-Topic Overview

Poisoning-Topic Overview

A poison is a substance that has toxic effects and may injure you or make you sick if you are exposed to it. Poisons can be found everywhere, from simple household cleaners to cosmetics to houseplants to industrial chemicals.......[Read More]
Skin and Soft Tissue Infection Management in Three Urban EDs

Skin and Soft Tissue Infection Management in Three Urban EDs

This study takes a look at the antibiotic prescription patterns for skin and soft tissue infection in the ED. Are these infections being appropriately managed?......[Read More]


A 53-year-old African-American man presented with a year-long history of multiple, nonhealing ulcers on both his legs.......[Read More]
Qualifications for CPR Training

Qualifications for CPR Training

Everyone should learn lifesaving skills.cpr head to head image by paul mitchell from Fotolia.comOnce certified as a lay responder in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), you have a duty to act in the event of a heart or breathing emergency. If an individual is certified but cannot perform.........[Read More]
Types of Doctors for Back Pain

Types of Doctors for Back Pain

Back pain has various causes, including injuries and medical conditions. A primary care physician may treat simple medical conditions such as a back muscle sprain, while a specialist may perform back surgery. Back specialists can include neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons.......[Read More]
What Are the Signs of Getting a Period for the First Time?

What Are the Signs of Getting a Period for the First Time?

The first period normally occurs around the early teens.teenage girl on grass image by Galina Barskaya from Fotolia.comAs a girl's body prepares to enter adulthood, certain changes take place. Throughout puberty, in the lead-up to the first menstrual cycle, you will have a range of new.........[Read More]
Body Temperature

Body Temperature

Body temperature is a measure of the body's ability to generate and get rid of heat.......[Read More]
Fixing the Crowded ED Part 1 -- Building a Burning Platform

Fixing the Crowded ED Part 1 -- Building a Burning Platform

This is the first part of a 3-part series looking at crowding as a critical ED operations issue. In future installments, we will explore the management failures that lead to this phenomenon.......[Read More]
The Long View

The Long View

Growing numbers of hospitalists are contributing to global health efforts through new nonprofit and collaborative models. How can you get involved?......[Read More]
A Descriptive Analysis of ED Diagnosed Acute Pericarditis

A Descriptive Analysis of ED Diagnosed Acute Pericarditis

Learn more on the presentation, assessment and management of patients with an ED diagnosis of acute pericarditis.......[Read More]
Elementary Bike Safety

Elementary Bike Safety

Riding a bicycle is a popular outdoor activity, but there are some safety concerns you should be aware of when cycling. Safety hazards abound when riding on a trail or road, and some basic tips can help ensure you are following elementary bike safety rules. With a bit of know-how, you can ride with ......[Read More]
How to Find a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

How to Find a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Osteopaths are physicians trained in a holistic approach to medicine, with a focus on prevention. Osteopathic physicians also receive extra education and training in the system of nerves, muscles and bones to understand how an illness in one area affects other parts of the body. Finding a doctor of ......[Read More]