Immune System Disorders : Health & Medical

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5 Things You Will Find in a Hypothyroidism Warning Signs Checklist

5 Things You Will Find in a Hypothyroidism Warning Signs Checklist

Hypothyroidism is a condition that often goes undetected but poses danger to the body. This is why it is important for you to know the symptoms.......[Read More]
Post Traumatic Hypothyroidism

Post Traumatic Hypothyroidism

It has been observed that health complications continue to plague the patient in the period immediately following a traumatic injury. These complications are clinically, distinctive medical problems. One of the common hormonal complications arising as a result of post- traumatic brain injury is hypo......[Read More]
What Is a Resource Supplement?

What Is a Resource Supplement?

Herbal or chemically produced mixtures consisting of ingredients that have a direct effect on the body and its system is termed a resource supplement. It may be used to enhance the feature of specific part of the body or for the entire anatomy. Medical practitioners and pharmacists have suggested t......[Read More]
The Relation of L-Tyrosine and the Thyroid Gland

The Relation of L-Tyrosine and the Thyroid Gland

How are the L-tyrosine and the thyroid gland related? Let's find out along this article.......[Read More]
Systemic Cardiac Diseases

Systemic Cardiac Diseases

Some conditions and diseases affect the heart in some way, but occur in some other part of the body. They also may cause the onset of primary heart diseases. These conditions are called systemic cardiac diseases.......[Read More]
The Importance of Dendritic Cells in Asthma

The Importance of Dendritic Cells in Asthma

Learn more about how recruitment and activation of dendritic cells occurs in patients with allergic asthma.......[Read More]
Your General Well Being With a Thyroid Disorder

Your General Well Being With a Thyroid Disorder

Being able to muster up enough energy and enthusiasm to Self-help your thyroid disorder is one of the biggest challenges. Here we take a look at the symptoms and ways you can cope with thyroid disease.......[Read More]
Dealing With Hypothyroid Problems

Dealing With Hypothyroid Problems

Moving on after being diagnosed with hypothyroid. A few points on dealing with the illness and generally accepting the problem.......[Read More]
Homeopathic Thyroid Supplements For Hypothyroidism and What Vegetables and Fruits to Avoid

Homeopathic Thyroid Supplements For Hypothyroidism and What Vegetables and Fruits to Avoid

Homeopathic thyroid supplements can be found everywhere. This is definitely a piece of good news for those looking for alternative means to deal with a range of thyroid problems.......[Read More]
Human Cloning for Organ Transplants

Human Cloning for Organ Transplants

In 1997, after more than 260 failed attempts, scientists at Scotland's Roslin Institute successfully "created" a sheep named "Dolly." The achievement prompted much discussion over the possibility of cloning humans (particularly for the purpose of organ transplants) and the ethical implications of do......[Read More]
Introduction to Hypoactive Thyroid - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Introduction to Hypoactive Thyroid - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

When the thyroid gland is not responding to the pituitary gland's release of thyroid stimulating hormone, the result is a hypoactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, and insufficient levels of thyroid hormone in the blood.This condition affects more women than men, and requires life long treatment t......[Read More]
SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus

SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus

SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus definition ......[Read More]
Hyperthyroidism Natural Remedies

Hyperthyroidism Natural Remedies

There are different kinds of hyperthyroidism natural remedies that you can take so you can relieve yourself from other illnesses associated with Graves disease. These are the following.........[Read More]
Underactive Thyroid in Men - Early Detection, Effective Treatment and Prevention of Hypothyroidism

Underactive Thyroid in Men - Early Detection, Effective Treatment and Prevention of Hypothyroidism

An underactive thyroid in men can lead to problematic health problems and issues. Discover why this disease occurs, common treatments and natural ways to prevent an an underactive thyroid from happening to you.......[Read More]
Finding A Natural Endocrine Doctor For Graves Disease

Finding A Natural Endocrine Doctor For Graves Disease

If you have Graves' Disease and want to use natural treatment methods to restore you back to normal, then you will most likely want to consult with a natural endocrine doctor. However, finding a holistic doctor that specializes in endocrine disorders such as Graves' Disease is no easy task......[Read More]
Famous Lupus Patient: Ferdinand Marcos

Famous Lupus Patient: Ferdinand Marcos

The number of celebrities with lupus is growing almost every day, especially since the autoimmune disease does not distinguish between class, gender, race or riches. One of those affected by lupus was Filipino president Ferdinand Marcos.......[Read More]
Thyroid - A Metabolic Roller Coaster!

Thyroid - A Metabolic Roller Coaster!

Today, I'd like to talk to you about thyroid disease. It's estimated that 59 million Americans have thyroid disease being either hypo (too low) or hyper (too high). They are opposites on the thyroid functioning spectrum with treatment of one sometimes resulting in the other.......[Read More]
Understanding Lupus -- Treatment

Understanding Lupus -- Treatment

WebMD provides an overview of treatment for lupus.......[Read More]
How Lupus Affects Your Body

How Lupus Affects Your Body

WebMD looks at the ways lupus affects your heart, lungs, skin, and other areas, and what you can do to ease and prevent problems.......[Read More]