Cat Pet Supplies - Determining the Best Supplier For Your Needs
Cats, like dogs, are also classified in a variety of breeds. They are mainly small and are popular as a household pet and in protecting the place from existing rats, mainly in homes. Moreover, they also have excellent memory, and they also exhibit a considerable aptitude for learning by observing an......[Read More]
Indoor and Outdoor Cats - How to Teach Your Cat to Use a Cat Door to Expand His Environment
A cat door offers your outdoor cat the opportunity to spend time indoors, either for the benefits of feeding inside, and/or allowing him to come inside to escape danger from another cat or dog. It also offers your cat the chance to interact more with his human family.......[Read More]
How to Train a Puppy Around Cats
They are mortal enemies. Or are they? While it's true that cats and dogs can show enmity toward one another at first, and a cat will probably run from a strange dog before playing with it, it's also true that cats and dogs that live in the same household can become friends. Your puppy probably doesn......[Read More]
Cat Scratching Furniture - This is a Serious Problem and Expensive If You Don't Stop It!
Is your Cat tearing up your house?Maybe its your couch or front door?Do you wake up to find new damage that happened while you were sleeping? This is a serious problem and very expensive if not stopped right away. Stop your Cat Scratching Furniture and save your sanity.......[Read More]
Treating Feline Cat Acne
ProcessCat acne is caused by clogged pours. Cats have oil-producing glands, and, just like humans, they can develop acne when a clog develops around the lips or chin. The area must be cleaned with a soft washrag and warm water. You can add a mild antibacterial cleanser if you prefer, but.........[Read More]
Feline Diabetes - The Ugly Truth About Diet and Diabetes in Cats
If you're like most cat owners, you're not aware of the ugly truth that dry food food is linked to feline obesity and feline diabetes. Here's what you need to know if you think your kitty is doing "fine" on dry food.......[Read More]
How to Make Outdoor Cat Tunnels
Cats like to play outside but it's not a very safe place for them. Cars, neighborhood dogs, coyotes and the always tempting tree offer dangers for your feline companion. By building outdoor cat tunnels, you provide a safer adventure for your cat. Tunnels, a play space in their own right, connect lar......[Read More]
Scott The Chubby Cat-How Can He Lose Weight
Scott has been a healthy cat for many years and has relatively few health problems. The only little problem is that he has a bit of belly bulge. As the proud owner of Scott, Kat just don't understand why Scott seems to be overweight!......[Read More]
Cat Behavior Training Made Simple
Let me help you understand some basic cat behavior problems, and how to resolve. Very straight forward and to the point article, could help any cat owner overcome a cat behavior issue.......[Read More]
How to Clicker Train a Cat
Many people say that cats can't be trained to do tricks, but this is totally false. They can be trained to do a variety of behaviors, and one of the easiest ways to teach them is via clicker training. Clicker training is based on behavioral psychology. It uses a signal (in this case, the sound of th......[Read More]
Cat Monthly Picture Calendar Guide
Each month one cat color, color pattern, or type, is featured on Each week, one cat is selected for the Cat Picture of the week, from the Show and Tell picture gallery of the month. Each gallery includes a form to use to brag about your cat, and a simple upload tool for publishing tw......[Read More]
Common Cat Behavior - What Is Your Cat Trying To Tell You?
Just like you get to know when a baby is tired, hungry, or needs their diaper changed, cats give off signals and display common behaviors that lets you know where they are coming from. Spending a little quality time with your feline is just the thing to familiarize yourself with what makes your ball......[Read More]
Siberian Cats
Siberian Cats are large and muscular with broad heads, large slanted eyes and rounded ears that angle outwards. Originally from Russia, this breed has plumed tails, longer neck ruffs and double coats.......[Read More]
How to Build a Cat Playhouse to Climb & Hide
Cats love to climb and hide in dark, small places. You may also have noticed that your cat loves boxes. Most cats do. You can make a simple cat house with cardboard boxes and carpet that your cat will spend hours playing and sleeping in. If you find cardboard to be an eyesore, you can simply decorat......[Read More]
2009 Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Parsifal & Aisha
Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother Earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. Because Mother Earth comes alive in the Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be, we celebrate tabby cats in our March Cat Picture Calendar You'll find dozens of......[Read More]
How to Keep Animals Off Your Lawn
Whether you live within city limits or in the country, you may encounter unwanted animals in your yard. These unwanted visitors are often neighborhood dogs and cats that will urinate and defecate in the yard. Wild animals venture into your yard as well, and you may need to take action to prevent the......[Read More]
Sick Cat Diagnosis
Some cats let you know if they're not feeling well or are just unhappy. They follow you around the house, meowing their complaints and demanding that you fix the problem. Other cats are more stoic in their suffering. They seek out a hidden spot and try to keep their ailments secret. Regardless of yo......[Read More]
Why Your Cat Won't Use the Litter Box
Introduction:Cats, by nature, like to be clean. They groom themselves obsessively with a tongue bath. They also like a clean, consistent litter pan. When a cat strays from its normal bathroom routine, or won't use the litter pan at all, it's probably a cleanliness issue. Cats can be.........[Read More]
Maine Coon Cats Picture Gallery: SamAdams
Equally at home with children, dogs, or older persons, the Maine Coon is an ideal pet, handily earning its status as the second most popular breed in America, as well as it's fond nickname, "The Gentle Giant." Who can resist? Once you've cast your eyes on the beauty of a Maine Co......[Read More]
What Is the Neutering and Spaying Age for Cats?
Spaying or neutering your cat is an important step in controlling the population of abandoned and feral cats across the country. It's also good for your cat's health--spayed and neutered cats live longer, on average, and suffer less injuries from fighting as well. Neutering male cats also prevents s......[Read More]