Why Your Cat Won't Use the Litter Box
- Cats, by nature, like to be clean. They groom themselves obsessively with a tongue bath. They also like a clean, consistent litter pan. When a cat strays from its normal bathroom routine, or won't use the litter pan at all, it's probably a cleanliness issue. Cats can be stubborn, defiant and very particular about their litter pan.
- Check your cat's litter pan. Is it clean? Wash and sanitize the litter pan at least once a week. Change the litter as often as needed. Many cats won't use a litter pan that hasn't been cleaned after each use.
Add extra litter pans to the home if there are multiple cats. Some cats will not share their litter pan with other cats, and will then find other places to do their business. If your home has multiple levels, you many need to have a clean litter pan accessible on each. - Keep the litter pan in one location. Moving a litter pan around too much can confuse a cat, causing them to find their own regular location to go to the bathroom, like a closet. Choose a neutral location that doesn't get rearranged much, such as a laundry room, porch, basement or infrequently used bathroom.
- Some cats will not use their litter pan if they don't like the actual litter. If you change to a new brand, your cat may retaliate by not using the litter pan.
Find a litter your cat likes. With so many varieties on the market, even cats that don't like a clay-based litter have options. In addition to the common clay-clumping litters, wood pulp pellets, paper shreds and reusable plastic, washable pellets are available. - Cats will stray from the use of their litter pan if a new pet or baby has been brought into the home. To gain more attention from its owner, the cat will intentionally do something wrong. Chewing, scratching and going to the bathroom outside the litter pan are common signs of anxiety.
If you have just moved to a new home, your cat may not be adjusting well if it isn't using the litter pan. Sometimes they are showing defiance or are simply confused. If you have moved recently, give the cat a little time to get used to the new place.