Just Kittens Picture Gallery: Shelby
Everybody loves kittens, and kitten lovers particularly enjoy looking at pictures of kittens. Enjoy these reader-submitted photos of kittens then submit your own kitten pictures, using the Photo Guidelines. Please use 'Kitten Picture' as the subject of your email.......[Read More]
Practical Ways Of Training A Cat
It is widely known that dogs are more loyal than cats, and training a cat expecting it to change the way it responds to your commands is asking for trouble. They just do not do something to please you at will. If they are offered some a treat they will respond favorably.......[Read More]
Getting Rid of Cat Urine
Cat urine is extremely odorous and can ruin carpets, wood flooring, rugs and furniture. The smell is difficult to remove because once the urine dries, insoluble salt crystals form. When you use a liquid cleaner, the crystals are activated by the moisture and the spot can end up smelling worse. That ......[Read More]
Should a Rescued Pregnant Cat Be Spayed?
One of the most controversial issues is whether or not to spay a rescued pregnant cat. While some people are repulsed at the thought of killing kittens, others believe the question begs a larger issue, that of the overpopulation problem.......[Read More]
A List of Jungle Cats and Wildcats
Wildcats, jungle cats, house cats and all other cats are part of the Felidae family. They belong to the Mammalia class and the Carnivora order, which can explain why all cats eat meat. Within the family of Felidae, there are individual names for each species. Jungle cats and wildcats are synonymous.......[Read More]
Rosemary As a Repellent for Dog Chewing
Chewing is a destructive habit that is common in many dogs. Putting a repellent on the furniture or other surface your dog chooses to chew on will help put a stop to the problem. Rather than buying a repellent at the pet store, it is possible to make one at home by making a bitter-tasting tea.......[Read More]
Use Caution With These Substances With Cats
This is by no means a list of everything on the planet that's bad for cats. But it's a few of the things that should be avoided by themselves or as an ingredient in something else. Use caution with cats by avoiding these unsafe substances.......[Read More]
How to Cover a Feral Cat Cooler With an Emergency Blanket
According to the Feral Cat Coalition, there are over 60 million stray cats in the United States. They have an average lifespan of three to five years, due to starvation, disease and dogs. If there is a feral cat population in your neighborhood, provide shelter for them in winter by cutting holes in ......[Read More]
Is a Disposable Cat Litter Box Right For Your Home?
Many people find that rather than owning a cat litter box that is more or less meant to be a permanent solution, the concept of a disposable cat litter box works much better for them. If you are curious about the disposable type of litter box, here are some facts about this cat hygiene solution that......[Read More]
Top Tips on Feeding Your Cat
Understanding what your cat needs from their food is important for them to be happy but also to be healthy. Cats needs different food to dogs and people and here is a few tips about what they need and why.......[Read More]
Cat Stomach Pain
It can be difficult to tell if your cat has stomach aches. Common signs that your cat doesn't feel well are diarrhea, hairballs, vomiting, grass-eating and having a sensitive stomach when being petted. There are many causes for cat stomach pain, and most can be treated with good diet or a visit to t......[Read More]
Trimming Your Cat's Claws
Keeping your cat's claws clipped will minimize scratches that might be suffered by you and your furniture. ......[Read More]
How To Be Loved by Your Pets and Become Popular
My pets love me, at least that is what I conclude from their over all behavior all day. My lucky cat is a cute yet aggressive creature who never quits loving. ......[Read More]
Cat of the Week: Bast, the Origin of the Domestic Cat
My choice for Cat of the Week on this first week of August, is Bastet, the foundation of our domestic cats. It seemed only fitting as we celebrate domestic cats, or "moggies" in August.......[Read More]
Should You Declaw Your Cat Today?
It's a common question to ask should you declaw your cat. Here is some information to help you decide.......[Read More]
How Much Should I Pay for Spaying or Neutering?
At the Veterinarian's OfficeHaving your pet spayed or neutered at your veterinarian's office is the more expensive option. Depending on the pet (cat or dog) and size of the pet, the cost can range from about $45 for a cat to $300 for a large dog according to a 2010 Cost Helper report..........[Read More]
How to Make a Cat Gain Weight
Many pet owners search for ways to get their pets to lose weight. A pet that is too skinny, however, also faces potentially serious health risks. Getting a cat to gain weight is not as easy as you putting on a few pounds. After all, you can't force food down your cat's throat. Fortunately, there are......[Read More]
A Guide to Find Good Supplements for Cats and a Three-Pronged Approach to Improve Your Cat's Health
Good supplements for cats are available that can help to promote good health. Like in human health, they ensure that your cat has access to herbs that are natural parts of a cat's diet in the wild, but that are unavailable to domestic cats.......[Read More]
Discover How To Remove Cat Urine Stains And Odor From Your Carpets and Hardwood Floors
Don't let a cat mess ruin your day or your carpet or your wood floor. Always be prepared with a few items that can help you clean up a mess as soon as you see it happen. Cat messes happen, you can minimize the results by acting quickly and using products that can get rid of the stain and the od......[Read More]
Cats Love Their Own Furniture, Something Just For Them
Your cat, my cat and the next door neighbor's cat love to have a space just for them.Most felines big or small, find it appealing to have a corner of their domain which gives them a territory that they can feel save and secure in, not unlike their owners.Cat furniture comes in condos, modular s......[Read More]