Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Discover How To Remove Cat Urine Stains And Odor From Your Carpets and Hardwood Floors

When your cat makes a mess on your carpet or floor, wouldn't it be nice to be able to clean it up and stop the smell.
Wouldn't it be even better if you could clean up the mess, using things that you already have in your kitchen and not worry about running to the pet store to get commercial products for cleaning.
One of the things that really bothers me about owning cats is the fact that their urine smell is extremely potent and is very difficult to get out of carpets and off floors.
Over the years my cats have made messes on the carpet, on the floors, on the beds and on other furniture.
Most of the time they were good and we had no accidents, but, it was inevitable that at some point in time I would have to clean up a mess.
Even when they used the cat litter box, they would sometimes miss or overshoot and there would be a mess on the wall or on the floor.
Hardwood Floors clean up I always dreaded having a cat mess on my hardwood floors.
I was afraid that the urine would seep down between the boards and make a permanent odor that would be impossible to get out.
I also didn't want to take the shine off the floor.
After talking to a number of friends and floor specialists, I began using a special formula of ingredients that I mixed up myself and a very easy procedure.
As soon as you see the mess, blot up as much as you can with a paper towel, then: ...
Mix 2 tablespoons full of vinegar into a bucket of water.
More vinegar may be needed if you use a large bucket of water.
Put a clean cloth into the vinegar, water solution and wring it out to the point that it is still quite wet.
Wipe the mixture cloth all over the soiled area, cleaning the cloth a number of times.
Thoroughly dry the area with a clean dry cloth.
The vinegar is acidic and should eliminate all of the smell and shouldn't harm the finish.
Carpet clean up When a cat messes on a carpeted area, it can be a disaster.
The stain will become yellow and the odor will remain in the house for a long time.
The odor and stain will get worse as the urine soaks into the carpet backing and the padding beneath that.
Quick action and the right application of products might just save your carpet.
Here are two methods you can use to clean up the cat mess on carpets.
Method Number One ...
Blot up as much as possible with paper towels.
Liberally sprinkle baking soda over the entire area.
Rub in the baking soda with a paper or fabric towel.
Apply more baking soda and let sit for 20 minutes.
Vacuum when dry.
The odor and stain should disappear after vacuuming.
I have had good luck with this method and I recommend that you give it a try.
Method Number Two ...
Once again, blot up as much and as quickly as possible.
Spread a thick layer of corn starch over the affected area.
Rub it in and let sit for an hour or until the corn starch is dry and has turned yellow, indicating that it has drawn the urine up from the carpet.
Vacuum and repeat the process.
After the second application, the stain and odor should be gone.
Don't let a cat mess ruin your day or your carpet or your wood floor.
Always be prepared with a few items that can help you clean up a mess as soon as you see it happen.
Cat messes happen, you can minimize the results by acting quickly and using products that can get rid of the stain and the odor.

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