California Tax Lien Information
A state tax lien in California is a legal method by the Franchise Tax Board--the state's version of the Internal Revenue Service--to collect an unpaid tax debt by placing a hold on the debtor's personal property within the state. The property owner doesn't have to be a consensual party for the lien ......[Read More]
Information on the Process of Conveyancing
Conveyancing is the legal process of transferring the title or ownership of a land, property or a real estate from on person to another. It is a legal process carried out in the presence of a solicitor, lawyer or a Notary Republic.......[Read More]
How to Move a Trailer Home
Trailer homes, also known as mobile homes, are designed so that they can be transported from one location to another. When planning to relocate a trailer home, owners can't simply drive it onto the roadway and take it to its new location. There's a fair amount of paperwork involved and arrangements ......[Read More]
South Carolina Laws on Fence Boundaries
Knowledge about South Carolina fence laws can help you maintain your privacy and keep neighbors from taking your property. Fence laws vary from city to city, but knowing the facts will allow you to maximize your privacy and ability to avoid problems.......[Read More]
Resources for Landlords
For rent signapartment for rent image by dead_account from Fotolia.comThe California Department of Consumer Affairs describes a landlord, also called an owner, as a person or company that owns a rental unit that is rented or leased to a person or people to live or work in for a specific.........[Read More]
The Beauty of Public RFPs and of Course the Ugly
Over the past six months, I have had the wonderful privilege (ahem) of bidding about 15 public Requests for Proposals. While I have complained constantly about the process, I probably wouldn't have any work at all at the moment if they were not available.......[Read More]
How to Do a Quit Claim Deed in Maryland
Quit claim deeds are used when one party, called a grantor, transfers his interest in property to another person, called a grantee. A quit claim deed does not guarantee that the original owner actually has ownership in the property and this should be verified by the grantee. Once the quit claim deed......[Read More]
Can a Lien Be Put Against My IRA in Idaho?
Idaho residents use individual retirement accounts, or IRAs, to save tax-deferred monies for retirement. Although the state of Idaho offers generous protections for residents, a lien may be placed on their plans if they owe certain debts. In the lien process, creditors stake a legal claim to IRA fun......[Read More]
California Commercial Tenant Rights Without Written Leases
Both oral and written commercial leases are legal in California. However, without a written lease both landlords and tenants lose certain protections.......[Read More]
Definition of Prescriptive Easement
A prescriptive easement creates a right to use another's land for a specific purpose. The easement is created by making use of the land without owner permission for a period of time specified by statute. Interference with a prescriptive easement gives the easement holder cause to bring suit.......[Read More]
Reasons to Break a Lease Agreement
A lease is a legally binding contract that may be enforced in a court of law.firma contract 20309 image by pablo from Fotolia.comThe ability to break a lease, or get out of the lease early, will depend on the reason for doing so. There are legal justifications for getting out of a lease,.........[Read More]
Happiness For Your Family - Estate Planning
I want to bring something to your attention: I've written about your financial future and your financial security. The question you want to address that many people overlook or outright choose to avoid is, "Do you have your estate planning in place?" ......[Read More]
Understanding Unclaimed Properties
If you are a homeowner in the state of California you could be richer than you expect, and the truth about the matter is that this could be possible anywhere you live. The issue of unclaimed property is one that many people don't even know exist and not knowing about this could be costing you a......[Read More]
Lead Paint Removal Regulations
Lead paint removal regulations keep consumers safe from lead poisoning.rusted paint chips peeling image by Sherri Camp from Fotolia.comThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s rules regarding lead were designed to help protect people from toxic lead dust fumes stirred up during.........[Read More]
How do I File an AZ Homestead Exclusion?
Filing a homestead exemption for your home in Arizona protects your property from liens filed by creditors in an effort to collect money for unpaid bills. As an Arizona homeowner, it is your right to file for the homestead exemption to protect your primary residence from liens made against you by mo......[Read More]
Real Estate Attorney Fees - How Will Your Attorney Charge Fees?
Hiring a property attorney without knowing about the real estate attorney fees system may lead to a big financial mishap. To make a better decision in terms of hiring a lawyer, we must be aware of the fees generating system, as their cost can be substantial. The amount alone can wreck your bank acco......[Read More]
How to Find and Select a Real Estate Lawyer to Handle Your Real Estate Problem
Choosing an attorney is never a pleasant endeavor. This is especially true when your residential or commercial real estate, which may represent the most significant asset you or your business owns, is involved.When it comes to choosing an Arizona real estate lawyer, keep the following considerations......[Read More]
Why Should You Use a Local Solicitor for Your Property Conveyance?
If you're thinking of buying or selling a property, there's a strong chance that you'll have looked on the internet and seen that there's so much choice available for conveyancing, that it's difficult to decide what to do for the best. There was a time when any domestic conv......[Read More]
Tenant Eviction Notice Requirements in Idaho
Idaho law requires that tenants receive reasonable notice of an eviction.apartment lease sign image by Aaron Kohr from Fotolia.comA well-written rental agreement should outline the eviction notice requirements. The state will enforce these terms as long as they are reasonable. However, in.........[Read More]
Tennessee Laws on Eviction Notices
Tennessee laws specify a number of reasons to give eviction notices.Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty ImagesUnder Tennessee law, both landlords and tenants have clear rights as to how to handle eviction or lease terminations that fall outside a signed lease agreement. Landlords may consider.........[Read More]