Real estate & property Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

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What Are the Steps to Placing a Lien?

What Are the Steps to Placing a Lien?

If you receive a civil judgment in your favor, but the debtor refuses to pay the judgment, you may be able to place a lien on the debtor’s home. If the debtor sells the property, the lien holder receives payment of any proceeds from the sale of the home before the debtor. In this way, a lien i......[Read More]
How to Waive Right of Redemption After Foreclosure

How to Waive Right of Redemption After Foreclosure

The laws in some states permit an owner of real estate in foreclosure what is known as a right of redemption. The right of redemption establishes a period of time in which the owner of foreclosed real estate can pay the mortgage lender the amount determined to be due and owing on the property, inclu......[Read More]
What Is a Mortgage Quit Claim Assignment?

What Is a Mortgage Quit Claim Assignment?

A quit claim deed is used for transferring all or part of an individual's ownership of real property. Quit claim deeds are recorded in the jurisdiction, typically a county, where the property is located. Quit claim deeds are commonly used in divorce proceedings and dissolutions of real estate invest......[Read More]
How to File a Notice to Pay or Vacate in Washington

How to File a Notice to Pay or Vacate in Washington

If your tenant fails to pay the rent on the day it is due, Washington state law allows delivery of a pay-or-vacate notice the following day. Your tenant must then pay the full amount of rent within three days or you have the right to evict him. Type the notice and deliver it yourself or have your at......[Read More]
Mortgage Redemption Rights

Mortgage Redemption Rights

The idea of redemption of property has existed since biblical times. In the United States, statutory rights of redemption were enacted during the 19th century to assist property owners, particularly farmers, through difficult economic times. Legislators may now be taking a fresh look at rights of re......[Read More]
What is the Role of a HUD Code Lawyer in the Purchasing Process of HUD Code Homes?

What is the Role of a HUD Code Lawyer in the Purchasing Process of HUD Code Homes?

HUD code homes refer to houses manufactured in compliance with the HUD structural criteria, those homes that have been foreclosed by the FHA due to the non payment of secured mortgage dues. These homes are one of the most affordable housing options in the country right now and the modern day manufac......[Read More]
HUD Proposes New Equal Housing Rules

HUD Proposes New Equal Housing Rules

Participation in HUD-sponsored housing programs is supposed to be based on need, and nothing else. In an effort to ensure that assessment of potential participants is fair, HUD has proposed new regulations for its programs.......[Read More]
Homestead Act of 1839

Homestead Act of 1839

The Texas Homestead Act of January 26,1839, was enacted to prevent homelessness of families resulting from failure to pay outstanding debts. A landmark of jurisprudence, the act was written into the state constitution in 1845 to specifically exempt the foreclosure or forced sale of the debtor's home......[Read More]
Does a Quitclaim Give Ownership?

Does a Quitclaim Give Ownership?

A quitclaim deed, also known as a deed of release, is a signed legal instrument that transfers ownership from one person to another. The initial owner, the grantor, transfers whatever ownership they may have in the property in question to a grantee. Typically a sale is not involved in a quitclaim. ......[Read More]
Advantages Of Hiring Property Lawyers When Buying Houses

Advantages Of Hiring Property Lawyers When Buying Houses

House buying with the help of reliable lawyers can help you accomplish all legal documents before purchasing the house. With this, individuals are rest assured that the house they purchase can provide them with the best benefits they need.......[Read More]
A Guide to Tax on Ownership of Real Estate by Non-Resident Entities in Spain

A Guide to Tax on Ownership of Real Estate by Non-Resident Entities in Spain

The tax laws relating to property ownership in Spain are confusing. Not least when it comes to real estate ownership. The following is a guide to the relevant points to be borne in mind in relation to non-resident entities.......[Read More]
What Happens at a Sheriff's Sale?

What Happens at a Sheriff's Sale?

Sheriff sale is a term used to refer to public property auctions and it is usually the last step taken in the foreclosure process. This occurs when a homeowner has completely finished all the options necessary in avoiding default on a mortgage. The lender will file suit in court to recover his money......[Read More]
Tips for Buying Property in Costa Rica

Tips for Buying Property in Costa Rica

The real estate market in Costa Rica is booming. A stable government, an economy in balance, great benefits, amazing landscapes and friendly people and welcoming all help to make the country one of the most popular destinations for retirees and investors. This is a guide to some of the most prized r......[Read More]
Fannie Mae Loans and Borrower's Counsel Opinion Letters

Fannie Mae Loans and Borrower's Counsel Opinion Letters

Borrowers who obtain Fannie Mae (FNMA, the Federal National Mortgage Association) loans for apartment buildings frequently receive lower-interest loans - but must comply with all of the Fannie Mae requirements. One of these is that they hire an attorney to prepare an opinion letter to the initial le......[Read More]
Definition and Essentials of a Valid Real Estate Sales Contract

Definition and Essentials of a Valid Real Estate Sales Contract

A contract may be defined as an agreement between two or more parties to do or to abstain from doing an act and which is intended to create a legally binding relationship. This is typically the same for sale agreements during the sale of Jamaica beachfront properties. There are two basic requirement......[Read More]
Landlord's Responsibilities in Kentucky

Landlord's Responsibilities in Kentucky

The Kentucky Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act of 1974 was designed to regulate rental agreements between landlords and tenants. The aim of the legislation was to provide protection for both parties in an effort to improve the quality of housing in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The legisla......[Read More]
Getting the Best Deal For Your Property With Quality Conveyancing

Getting the Best Deal For Your Property With Quality Conveyancing

Understanding what all is involved in the conveyancing process will ease your mind as you wait for the final outcome. Yet with a conveyancing solicitor you can be assured all legal aspects will be dealt with and acquiring the property will be pain free.......[Read More]
Nebraska Landlord Painting Responsibilities

Nebraska Landlord Painting Responsibilities

Landlords must ensure that rental property is habitable and contains working heat, running water, proper weatherproofing and is free of excessive noise and insect or rodent infestation. But what about paint? Generally, cosmetic concerns such as faded or ugly paint are not the landlord's responsibili......[Read More]
How to Vacate a Home for Unpaid Rent in Washington, D.C.

How to Vacate a Home for Unpaid Rent in Washington, D.C.

As a landlord you have a right to vacate a home you own in Washington, D.C., if the tenant fails to pay the rent as agreed, is running drugs out of the home, or if he violates the lease. You may also file a complaint in Landlord and Tenant Court if someone is in possession of your property and does ......[Read More]
New Statutory Defenses in New York For Homeowners Who Are Fighting Against Mortgage Foreclosure

New Statutory Defenses in New York For Homeowners Who Are Fighting Against Mortgage Foreclosure

During the past two years, the New York legislature has amended New York's Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law (RPAPL) in an effort to encourage homeowners to answer foreclosure complaints. The new laws require lenders to give homeowners written notice, both before and during foreclosure ......[Read More]