Land Surveys: A Real Estate Attorney's Primer on the Types and Purposes
Law school doesn't teach much about land surveys, which leaves many aspiring real estate attorneys in a quandary. Surveys often occupy the core of real estate transactions and disputes. In fact, surveys are central to MOST real estate matters, including land conveyances, boundary disputes, and ......[Read More]
Long-Term Lease Agreements
The purpose of long-term lease agreements is to assure tenancy for a year or more, and unlike short-term rental agreements, the landlord cannot modify them without notice in some cases and not at all in others.......[Read More]
Landlord Duties in New York
New York's Office of Attorney General protects tenants from unscrupulous landlords throughout the state. It provides a guide to tenant's rights which lists guidelines that all landlords are required to follow. Failure of a landlord to follow certain duties and responsibilities can lead to tenants' w......[Read More]
Protect Your Rights - Get Lease Forms Free
A lot of people are looking for places to stay. Those who are privileged to have an extra room are lucky to be able to lease their property to other people. Everyone knows how tedious it is to write up a good contract. Therefore a lot of people are looking for lease forms free on the Internet.......[Read More]
Essentials of Real Estate Law
Real estate law is marked by differences and commonalities across the image by Christopher Hall from Fotolia.comReal estate law is the collection of laws and ordinances governing how land can be used and owned. These laws stem from both statutory and common-law provisions,.........[Read More]
Why Do You Need Conveyancing Service and Solicitors?
Buying and selling of property entitles you to a lot of legal bindings and liabilities. Whether you are buying a home to live, for investment, or for acquiring a lucrative asset, it is important to know that you have complete legal rights on that property and no one, but your very own conveyancing s......[Read More]
Foreclosure Moratorium Law
The California Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2009, the nation's first such law, imposed a 90-day (June 15 to September 15) moratorium on foreclosures of mortgages issued from 2003 to 2007. Lenders were exempt if they provided a comprehensive loan modification program based on criteria from the Feder......[Read More]
Landlord Rights Upon Renter Death
In the event that a landlord's tenant dies, the landlord has certain rights and responsibilities that are determined by state law. Knowing and following the laws can make the difficult task of managing a tenant's death much easier.......[Read More]
How to Get a Lien Owed Added to the Debtor's Credit Reports
A security interest gives a creditor the right to sell a debtor's property to satisfy a debt. If a creditor has a lien on a debtor's property, that creditor has a security interest. A lien establishes priorities among competing creditors who claim an interest in the property against which the lien h......[Read More]
How to Find a Legal Property Description
Legal descriptions of property are usually found with the deed and/or title documents. These documents are a matter of public record and should be on file at the county courthouse or tax assessor's office for the county in which the property is located. Legal property descriptions lay out the bounda......[Read More]
How to Search For a Title When Buying a House
You are buying your first home and really excited about building equity for your future. You have hired an experienced real estate attorney to help you sort out legal and financial issues like dealing with the bank, negotiating and clarifying any changes to the purchase offer, performing the title s......[Read More]
Tax Liens vs. HOA Liens
A lien is a claim on an individual's property to secure a payment of debt. A creditor or a service provider may place a lien for nonpayment of loans and other obligations. When a homeowner defaults on paying dues, a homeowners association, or HOA, can place a lien on his property. Similarly, the Int......[Read More]
Online System to Make Conveyancing Solicitors' Lives Easier
The process of buying a house is not without its complications; from previous occupants taking their light bulbs with them to finding bodies buried under the porch, there are always going to be some complications! It must be the case that at some point within the conveyancing process every house buy......[Read More]
How to Lengthen a Florida Eviction
A rental agreement may be terminated for many reasons, depending on the lease, including nonpayment of rent. Once the lease has been broken, the landlord starts eviction proceedings. The eviction is filed in the county court of the county where the rental is located, according to Florida Statutes 83......[Read More]
About Private Tenants' Housing Rights
Each state has adopted landlord tenant laws with distinctions between commercial tenants and residential tenants. The exact rights a private residential tenant has depends on the state. However, there are some general, universal rights.......[Read More]
How to File a UCC Lien
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) under Article 9 governs how a lender obtains a security interest against a debtor's personal property for the payment of debt. Under Article 9, a borrower is called the "debtor" and the lender is called the "secured party." Filing a document called a UCC-1 Financin......[Read More]
Missouri Real Estate Disclosure Laws
A home is a major purchase.home sweet home image by David Dorner from Fotolia.comA home is a major investment for most buyers. When you purchase a home, make sure it is one that will not cause a lot of problems or cost you extra money once you have purchased it. Also make sure that your.........[Read More]
How to Finance a Leveraged Buyout
A leveraged buyout (LBO) is defined as "the acquisition of a publicly traded company that is financed with debt." Considered a risky investment proposition, with debt ratios as high as 90 percent in some cases, the assets of the company being acquired are frequently used to collateralize the loan. F......[Read More]
Abandonment for the Washington State Landlord Tenant Act
One of the murkiest sections of Washington State's Landlord Tenant Act, or RCW-59.18.310, is the section that concerns Abandonment. It defines abandonment as when "a tenant has both fallen behind in rent and has clearly indicated by words or actions an intention not to continue living in the rental.......[Read More]
Information on Rhode Island Renter's Rights
Renters in Rhode Island have a number of legal rights when residing in a rental property. All renters should understand their rights regarding the lease agreement, eviction and termination before they enter into a rental agreement.......[Read More]