Secret Options for Foreclosure
Foreclosures can be stopped with some aggressive image by Karol Grzegorek from Fotolia.comBeing foreclosed upon can be a stressful time. Once the process has started, it can be very hard to stop. While there are some options that your lender can share with you to stop the.........[Read More]
Discrimination, The ECOA, and Your Foreclosure
Lenders who provide mortgage loans on a discriminatory basis may face liability under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which prohibits discrimination in credit. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) prohibits a wide array of discriminatory actions.......[Read More]
Tenant Rights in the State of Wisconsin
The state of Wisconsin has some of the most straightforward landlord-tenancy laws in the country. Both the tenant and the landlord retain certain rights and each owes the other certain responsibilities guaranteed under Wisconsin law. Your landlord cannot force you to waive these rights,.........[Read More]
Property Ownership and Tenants in Common
Tenancy in common is one form of concurrent estate. Concurrent estate owners (tenants) share ownership of a piece of property, and all of them have a right to use the whole of the property. To divide ownership of the property, the tenants must do so by agreement or court proceeding. Those with speci......[Read More]
The Deposit
Purchasing a home involves making many important financial decisions. Once you find the right home, you will quickly realize the financial implications involved. Once you have signed on the dotted line, you will have to provide the seller with a deposit.......[Read More]
Do You Have to Be Notified If a Lien Is Put on Your Home?
Wondering if there is a lien on your property causes worry and stress. If you are being hounded by collection agents or the federal government for nonpayment of bills or taxes, you might be concerned that they can take your house to repay the amount that you owe. In most cases, you must be notified ......[Read More]
Tenants in Common Explained
A tenancy-in-common is a concurrent property interest, meaning that multiple owners can simultaneously have a right to the property. The property is not physically divided among the tenants; all owners of the property are tenants in common, and each tenant in common has certain rights to the entire ......[Read More]
Apartment Tenant Laws
Many laws exist to protect the rights of apartment apartment building image by green308 from Fotolia.comWhen choosing to rent an apartment, it is important to know the legal rights tenants have when it comes to dealing with their landlords. Regulations are in place to protect.........[Read More]
How to Evict Your Spouse in California
Spouses undergoing divorce proceedings face the challenging decision on which spouse remains in the marital home and the eviction of one spouse may be the end result. The process of evicting a spouse before the divorce can be challenging, especially if you both share ownership of the marital home. F......[Read More]
How to File an Eviction Notice in Delaware
Landlords in Delaware evict tenants for multiple reasons, such as failing to pay the rent, staying in the apartment after the lease ends, violating any agreement Delaware Landlord-Tenant Code or committing a felony that threatens the property or other tenants. If your tenant violates one of these ag......[Read More]
Real Estate Law and China's Property Bubble Discussed
Global Real Estate Laws and China's Property Bubble Discussed Even though the global economic crisis has ended, and the recession in the United States seems to have ended, and as we move towards a very slow recovery, still we are not out of the woods yet when it comes to real estate. And our au......[Read More]
About the Landlord Tenants Act
Problems arising from rental disputes can be time consuming, stressful, and expensive. Sadly, too, more often than not, neither party wants to admit blame and take responsibility for these issues. The Landlord and Tenant acts were created to help avoid situations like these, and to provide compensa......[Read More]
Overview of Tenant Agreements
A lease or rental agreement, a contract between a tenant and a landlord for the rental of specific real property, is legally enforceable and defines each party's terms and obligations.......[Read More]
What Does a Tenant-at-Will Lease Look Like in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts recognizes at-will tenancies, usually by operation of law. This means that these types of tenancies arise automatically if not stated otherwise. Additionally, at-will tenancies can be created in Massachusetts if the lease says so. At-will tenancies are typically indefinite, unlike regu......[Read More]
How to Place Liens on Properties in Alabama
Each state has provisions for a person who supplies labor or materials for a construction job to claim a lien against the improved property. A lien is a claim against property made in order to secure payment of a debt. Alabama law states that a primary contractor isn't required to give any notice be......[Read More]
The Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act
The Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act (MDIA) was enacted in the U.S. in 2008 as an amendment to the Truth in Lending Act. The MDIA requires cost disclosures in the mortgage process. The provisions of the MDIA became effective on July 30, 2009.......[Read More]
South Carolina Residential Landlord Tenant Act
Every state has its own laws governing landlord and tenant relationships, and South Carolina proves no exception. The Residential Landlord and Tenant Act covers the responsibilities of both parties, and lays down procedures for evictions and other problems.......[Read More]
Precisely How To Exercise Your Right To a Mis Sold PPI
The actual issue of mis sold PPI has cautioned individuals who avail for financial loan, mortgage loan, credit card accounts. In many instances, the reason for PPI mis selling is because of individuals who are selling it wrongly, more often than not, they are driven by how much of the percentage the......[Read More]
How do I Release a Rental Agreement?
There are different circumstances under which a tenant may need to get out of a lease. For example, they may be called up for military duty, or the property may become inhabitable due to a natural disaster like a tornado. In these cases, rental owners should release the tenant from the lease in writ......[Read More]