Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Redefine Your Limits - Live to Your Full Potential

Redefine Your Limits - Live to Your Full Potential

We are limited by the beliefs we set in our mind, history shows that successful people are able to break these shackles and unleash their potential. The difference is the " T " between Can Do and Can't Do. The " T " is your Thought.......[Read More]
Women: How Do You Actually Beat Stress?

Women: How Do You Actually Beat Stress?

Women do play a lot of roles: wife, mother, sister, daughter, employee, business owner, and a friend. These different characters can make any woman whole or complete-they can also be such a great source of stress.Women do play a lot of roles: wife, mother, sister, daughter, employee, business owner,......[Read More]
The Fantastic Benefits of Being a Christian

The Fantastic Benefits of Being a Christian

The heavens declare the glory of God. The sky displays his handiwork. How can anyone observe the sun and stars and nature and fail to believe in God? Saying that God does not exist is like saying the stars do not exist. God created the stars and gave them all a name. Science does wonderful things un......[Read More]
Bible Commentary on Scoffers

Bible Commentary on Scoffers

Skeptics are increasingly reluctant to accept the label "atheist," that is, one who believes that God does not exist. Skeptics realize that a commitment to this definition makes the atheist vulnerable to attack. The Secular Humanism Organization accepts the term "atheist," but in......[Read More]
Creative Ideas: Top 5 Ways to Get Creative

Creative Ideas: Top 5 Ways to Get Creative

Creativity exists in all realms and every field of study, from psychology to business, from education to physics and the most notable - the Arts. To understand how one can be creative we must first define it in the context of function. Creativity begins with one's natural ability to use their p......[Read More]
Will Longer Lifetimes Slow Innovation or Speed it Up - Depends on the Person

Will Longer Lifetimes Slow Innovation or Speed it Up - Depends on the Person

Some believe in part at least that the ever increasing fast pace of human technology is predicated on the reality that humans live a very short lifetime. Therefore they must work very quickly on their projects, for if they don't they will never see them to fruition. In other words the thought o......[Read More]
Why Learn German?

Why Learn German?

The German and English language have words that sound and almost spelled the same. These words also have the same meaning in both languages. If that's not a good reason to learn German, nothing else is going to be. Learn what you can do with your time by teaching yourself German in fast and eas......[Read More]
Stress - 3 Tips to Break Down Tasks to Manageable Stress-Free Levels (Action Steps Included)

Stress - 3 Tips to Break Down Tasks to Manageable Stress-Free Levels (Action Steps Included)

Ever find yourself being overwhelmed, frustrated and then depressed because of all the things that you need to get done? Responsibilities can range from preparing meals, cleaning house, getting the laundry done, doing an efficient and effective job on your business or at work to finding time to nurt......[Read More]
Nice Girls Don't Go Naked in their Dreams (or Do They?)

Nice Girls Don't Go Naked in their Dreams (or Do They?)

How open and honest you are in your daily life will show up in your dreams. So, if you are naked in your dreams, is that a good thing? Find out!......[Read More]
Love and Co-Dependence - 4 Signs You Might Be Codependent

Love and Co-Dependence - 4 Signs You Might Be Codependent

Codependence can unfortunately be a very destructive trait in a relationship, and often keeps a relationship going that ought to end, or keeps it from changing in a positive direction.Here are 4 signs you might be codependent in your relationship:......[Read More]
The Three Phases of Active Listening

The Three Phases of Active Listening

Improve so many aspects of your business AND personal life through simple listening techniques. How to be fully present!......[Read More]
The Language of Gratitude Keeps You on Speaking Terms With Happiness

The Language of Gratitude Keeps You on Speaking Terms With Happiness

Gratitude is a practice. The more we work our 'gratitude muscle' the stronger we become. Gratefulness gets us through difficult times and helps us to find happiness in circumstances that surprise us.......[Read More]
Here Is Another Path To The Promised Land And It Is Straight

Here Is Another Path To The Promised Land And It Is Straight

I am a sixty years young woman. I threw my hat in the (internet marketing) ring, so-to-speak, to join the ranks of the up and coming marketers. I'm not among the top earners on the internet, yet, I don't drive a new or expensive car either, yet.......[Read More]
Questions to Quelch Conflict

Questions to Quelch Conflict

Times of extreme change - such as those we're living in now - create extreme opportunity. They also create extreme conflict. Opportunity we love; conflict, well, not so much.......[Read More]
Arrangement Of Camps By Relief India Trust

Arrangement Of Camps By Relief India Trust

Organ donation is certainly worthwhile and can save the lives of many people around you. An organ donated to a needy person can give you lots of prayers and wishes as you save someone’s life. ......[Read More]
Try it, You Might Like It

Try it, You Might Like It

Most of us are too afraid of failing to try something new, unless we are guaranteed that it will work.......[Read More]
Using Visualization Techniques to Calm Down

Using Visualization Techniques to Calm Down

The everyday pressure of life can get anyone down. It can make us all lose focus and become stressed and anxious, and once this happens, it can be very difficult to calm down. The following is a tried and true technique that psychologists have found will help you calm down and regain your focus.......[Read More]
The Social Butterfly

The Social Butterfly

It seemed to John that Jane spent at least as much time away from her desk as she did at her desk.It seemed like every time he walked down the hallway he would see her speaking with someone. And she never made it through the company cafeteria without stopping to exchange greetings with several peopl......[Read More]
Health Tip - 4 Strategies for Battling Workplace Stress

Health Tip - 4 Strategies for Battling Workplace Stress

Americans are stressed out, and the workplace seems to be one of the primary breeding grounds. In fact, a study conducted by the American Psychological Association concluded that 69 percent of respondents felt work was the most common source of stress.......[Read More]
Humor Gone Awry

Humor Gone Awry

Humor Gone Awry: Funny Phrases for Parting Friends Parting involves sad, sad stories; yet sometimes saying goodbye comes to be funny after you've realized you over-reacted. "Please don't leave me. It 's begging attention. "Why are you a baby?"......[Read More]