STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction : Health & Medical

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How to Get Rid of Genital Wart

How to Get Rid of Genital Wart

Genital warts also known as venereal warts is a highly infectious, contagious, sexually transmitted, viral disease. Genital warts are flat, fleshy, pedunculated and papular growth on mucosal cells of genital areas. It is caused by human papillomavirus. HPV virus has the tendency to penetrate in the ......[Read More]
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Test

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Test

A human papillomavirus (HPV) test is done to detect an HPV infection and determine the type of HPV present.......[Read More]
Explaining How They Test For Chlamydia

Explaining How They Test For Chlamydia

You think you know how they test for chlamydia but when you get tested there are a lot of confusing abbreviations for the form of test you have. There are at least 3 technologies generically called nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), that can be used to detect the DNA of infecting organisms.......[Read More]
Cryotherapy for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Cryotherapy for Prostate Cancer Treatment

WebMD explains cryotherapy, a treatment for recurring prostate cancer that involves freezing and killing cancer cells.......[Read More]
Men and STDs

Men and STDs

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of STDs in men including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.......[Read More]
Causes of Pain in Breasts

Causes of Pain in Breasts

It is not unusual for a woman to have pain in her breasts. Some women even experience this symptom frequently to a varying degree. For the vast majority, the cause of breast pain is nothing to be concerned about. Breast cancer is rarely painful, but there are a number of other conditions that can ca......[Read More]
Gene Therapy for ED Appears Safe

Gene Therapy for ED Appears Safe

A gene therapy to treat erectile dysfunction looks safe in early tests in men and lasts about six months, researchers say.......[Read More]
Drug-Related HIV Outbreak Spurs Nationwide Alert

Drug-Related HIV Outbreak Spurs Nationwide Alert

More than 140 cases of the AIDS-causing virus reported in rural Indiana......[Read More]
How to Use a NOx Control

How to Use a NOx Control

A NOx control sensor measures the nitrogen oxide that a car puts out. If this sensor fails, a car will not pass its emissions test. To test the NOx sensor on a car, use an On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) scanner. You do not have to be a car mechanic to do so.......[Read More]
Home Remedies for Genital Wart Treatment

Home Remedies for Genital Wart Treatment

Genital warts are gray- or flesh-colored growths on the genitals and the anal area that are caused by the human papillomavirus. Genital warts occur in both men and women, usually between the ages of 17 and 33. They are caused by sexual contact with another person who has genital warts, and the vir......[Read More]
Recognising Sexual Addiction in the Sexual Health Clinic

Recognising Sexual Addiction in the Sexual Health Clinic

At what point does problematic or excessive sex become pathological? Learn to recognize hypersexual disorder in the sexual health clinic setting.......[Read More]
Get Tested For Gonorrhea and Quick

Get Tested For Gonorrhea and Quick

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are running amuck in the United States with Gonorrhea coming in second as the most common coming in only second to Chlamydia. According to Wikipedia, it is caused by the bacteria known as Neisserria gonorrhoeae or "GC" as abbreviated by clinicians. ......[Read More]
PSA Test Not Without Flaws, Study Shows

PSA Test Not Without Flaws, Study Shows

Because of changes in biopsy practices, the PSA test is no longer as useful as it was a decade ago for prostate cancer screening.......[Read More]
Genital Wart Home Treatment to Cure Your Warts

Genital Wart Home Treatment to Cure Your Warts

Genital warts or HPV is transmitted through sexual intercourse or skin on skin contact with an infected person. If you know someone who has genital warts but there are not present, you should use protection to limit your risk of contracting the infection.......[Read More]
Chemo in Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Chemo in Treatment of Prostate Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, as many as 192,280 men in the United States are estimated to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2009. Unfortunately, 27,360 are expected to die from the disease. One of the most promising treatments to prevent this statistic is chemotherapy.......[Read More]
Condoms Lower Women's Pelvic Disease Risk

Condoms Lower Women's Pelvic Disease Risk

Sexually active women whose partners consistently use condoms are less likely to get recurrent pelvic inflammatory disease.......[Read More]
Recognizing HIV Symptoms In The Right Way

Recognizing HIV Symptoms In The Right Way

HIV symptoms can be quite difficult to recognize and if you wish to generate some fine results then you should ensure that you do the right things at the right time. You should consider following the right steps so that you can know more about the symptoms in the first stage. The third phase is the ......[Read More]
Testosterone Therapy and Mortality Risk

Testosterone Therapy and Mortality Risk

Are men on long- term testosterone therapy at a higher risk of death and cardiovascular problems?......[Read More]
Prostate Cancer: Seeds Beat Out Watchful Waiting

Prostate Cancer: Seeds Beat Out Watchful Waiting

Older men with prostate cancer who chose treatment with radiation seed implant therapy or surgery cut their risk of dying of the disease by more than half, compared with those who opt for close observation, researchers report.......[Read More]
Home Remedies For Genital Warts

Home Remedies For Genital Warts

This article will help you understand natural home remedies for Genital Warts as well as transmission, appearance and prevention for future outbreaks.Genital warts are more common then you many know, but that still doesn't help the feeling you may experience during occurrences. They are spread ......[Read More]