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The Use of BANROT to Control Bud Rot in Coconut Palms

    Fungal Organism

    • Coconut palms thrive in tropical regions. Such areas are warm, humid and often have definite rainy seasons. These conditions are perfect for the growth and development of Phytophthora palmivora, which is the fungal organism responsible for bud rot in palms. The disease spreads the most quickly during heavy rains and in plants that are grown on poorly drained soils. The fungus persists in plant debris and in the cracks that may be found in the wood of the palm. When conditions are favorable, Phythophthora comes into full bloom and spreads quickly from spores.

    Symptoms and Effects

    • The center leaves surrounding the spindle of new growth are the first affected. The first sign is yellowing and brown sunken spots on the leaf interior. The leaves may wither and turn a grayish brown. The young leaves will fall off and nuts will fail to develop on affected plants. The buds will exhibit a characteristic rotting odor but older leaves higher in the canopy can remain relatively healthy for months before they show signs of infection. The disease will severely compromise the health of the plant and reduce its ability to photosynthesize and produce food.

    Banrot Chemical

    • Banrot is the trade name for a broad spectrum fungicide, useful on many fungal infections. The main ingredients in the product are Etridiozole and Thiophanate-methyl. The protection provided from Phytophthora is long lasting and doesn't adversely affect the plants. Banrot is used as a soil drench that will contact roots which bring it up into the vascular system of the plant. The product does require the standard precautions regarding skin contact, ingestion and inhalation. Banrot needs to be applied twice per year, six months apart to achieve optimum control.


    • The product is mixed at a rate of 6 to 12 oz. of Banrot mixed with 100 gallons of water. The mixture is slowly leached into the soil around the root base of the palm tree. It needs to be applied slowly so the soil can absorb the treatment before it runs off. Then the soil is drenched with water to help force the treatment down to the roots. To help prevent the spread of the fungus, the infected buds should be removed and dropped plant material cleaned up regularly.

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