STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction : Health & Medical

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Modern Life Takes a Toll on Our Hearts

Modern Life Takes a Toll on Our Hearts

An expert describes antidotes to the heart-damaging lifestyle of today's stress-filled world.......[Read More]
As HIV Patients Live Longer, Certain Cancer Risks Rise: Study

As HIV Patients Live Longer, Certain Cancer Risks Rise: Study

Anal, colon and liver cancers more common now, researchers find......[Read More]
Understanding Prostate Cancer -- Diagnosis and Treatment

Understanding Prostate Cancer -- Diagnosis and Treatment

WebMD explains the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.......[Read More]
How Should Sperm Swim?

How Should Sperm Swim?

What does sperm motility mean? How are sperm supposed to swim? Get an easy to understand explanation here, plus links to more in-depth information.......[Read More]
How Do You Catch HIV?

How Do You Catch HIV?

WebMD describes the ways you can get infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.......[Read More]
For Uninfected Partner, Antiretroviral Drugs May Shield Against HIV

For Uninfected Partner, Antiretroviral Drugs May Shield Against HIV

Study of heterosexual couples in Uganda suggests strict adherence to meds is key......[Read More]
Prostate Cancer-Cause

Prostate Cancer-Cause

The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown, but read what experts know so far.......[Read More]
Life After Prostate Cancer Treatment

Life After Prostate Cancer Treatment

Which side effects of prostate cancer treatment would bother you least? A new study points out the risks for each treatment option.......[Read More]
New HIV Drug Intelence Approved

New HIV Drug Intelence Approved

The FDA has approved a new HIV drug called Intelence for use with other HIV medications in adults not helped by other antiretroviral drugs.......[Read More]
What Are The Benefits Of Doing An STD Test At Home?

What Are The Benefits Of Doing An STD Test At Home?

Everyone wants to enjoy a healthy sex life! Not many people know that STD can spread like a wild fire. A lot of health professionals stress hard upon the significance of having protected sex and getting tested for STDs on a regular basis. STD testing can really help in staying fit and enjoying a gre......[Read More]
What Is an NPT Stamp?

What Is an NPT Stamp?

Nocturnal penile tumescence stamps, or NPT Stamps, are used to determine whether the cause for a man's erectile dysfunction is physiological or physical. This is a self-test method that can be performed in the privacy of the home instead of a doctor's office. Although the test is still available, it......[Read More]
Oral Sex Carries Very Low Risk of HIV Transmission

Oral Sex Carries Very Low Risk of HIV Transmission

Study Finds This Form of Intimacy a Safer Sex Alternative......[Read More]
Natural Cure For HPV - Does Tea Tree Oil Really Work?

Natural Cure For HPV - Does Tea Tree Oil Really Work?

Tea tree oil, or melaleuca oil, is derived from a plant that typically grows near water, many times along the banks of rivers or creeks, most commonly found in and around certain parts of Australia. The oil is extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia, or the leafs of the plant, and then bottled and......[Read More]
Sexual Conditions News Page

Sexual Conditions News Page

Find timely health and medical news on Sexual Conditions at WebMD.......[Read More]
Osteoporosis Due to Low Testosterone in Men

Osteoporosis Due to Low Testosterone in Men

Men can suffer from osteoporosis, which is the result of alterations in bone density that can lead to changes in your bones that result in brittle, frail bones that fracture easily. A lowered testosterone level in men can contribute to osteoporosis, according to[Read More]
Advice For Preventing And Treating Annoying Yeast Infections

Advice For Preventing And Treating Annoying Yeast Infections

Candida albicans is a fungus that lives and thrives in warm, moist areas of humans and animals. The fungus is however harmless unless triggered by certain influences that cause the rapid overgrowth of the fungus resulting in Candidiasis more commonly referred to as a yeast infection. Yeast infection......[Read More]
Get Sexier — Without Sex!

Get Sexier — Without Sex!

If you're having sex because you feel obligated, faking orgasm, or tuning out because you're uninterested, it can be useful to take a break to find out why that's going on.......[Read More]
Sexual Conditions: Treatment & Care

Sexual Conditions: Treatment & Care

To help you understand your treatment options, we’ve assembled the best information on women’s and men’s conditions. It will help you make decisions.......[Read More]
Prostate Cancer Requiring Hormone Therapy

Prostate Cancer Requiring Hormone Therapy

According to information from the medical site Medline Plus, prostate cancer is a cancer whose development appears to be linked to the presence of the hormone testosterone in the body. As prostate cancer requires systemic testosterone levels to be high to continue spreading, application of hormone ......[Read More]