Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Get Into the Action Habit - Stop Procrastinating

After you have read this short article, how will you feel about your habits? Are you a do it now person? There is a shortage of leaders who have the ability to get things done, to get results.
Most people procrastinate much too often.
When you study both groups of people successful and average you will learn successful people are active and average people are passive and procrastinate duties until another day.
The successful person takes action, will follow through on ideas and gets things done.
The average person will delay and find excuse why he can't.
If you are an action person this article is not for you.
On the other hand if you are an individual who put off until tomorrow or the day after, this article has some helpful points to help you get a start.
A start is a beginning and this is all it takes to shake loose.
University of Calgary professor Piers Steel states, "In 1978, only about 5 percent of the American public thought of themselves as chronic procrastinators.
Now it's 26 percent.
" There are so many ways to kill your valuable time.
TV, internet, cell phones, iPods and Blackberries.
It is contagious.
Remember this.
Time is the one precious thing we cannot replace.
Once it is passed or wasted you can never recover it.
Some procrastinate by over thinking a task and not stepping through it.
These action or non-action habits flow through all areas of ones life.
The successful person of action gets things done and in the process gain self-confidence and more income.
The person who doesn't get things done lose self-confidence in himself and lives a mediocre life.
Here are some ways to get into the action habit: 1.
Do unpleasant tasks first.
When completed you will be proud of yourself.
If you have a big job ahead, break it off into small pieces and get to work.
We all have to do things we would prefer not.
Fake it and do it anyway.
You will soon realize that it is not as bad as you thought.
When I was in college one of my required subjects was physics.
If I had to read a chapter I would pretend it was the most exciting book I had ever read and soon I was really into it.
Try it.
It works.
If you can't make up your mind about a task or idea try this.
Before going to sleep ask your subconscious the question.
When you get the answer follow through.
Take a risk.
Set a deadline.
Honor the fact that you are not perfect.
Do your best and this is enough.
If you wait for perfection you will never get started.
If you are starting a new venture, expect obstacles, and difficulties.
Every venture present risks and uncertainty.
Think in terms of now to get things accomplished.
Thinking in terms of sometime or someday usually means failure.
John Wanamaker said, "Nothing comes merely by thinking about it.
" Finally "People who procrastinate tend to be less healthy, less wealthy and less happy," according to University of Calgary professor Piers Steel.
How are your habits?

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