How Much Do New Floors Cost?
If you are currently considering new flooring you probably realize that it is difficult to get an idea of how much money you need to budget for your project. Let's face it, if you walk into a flooring store without a specific idea of what you want it can be overwhelming. In many of the "big box stores" it is almost impossible to know what your bottom line cost will be for any particular project. Many consumers start making product selections without knowing if they are selecting products that are way out of their price range or products that may be inadequate for their purpose. Additionally, because people don't buy floors everyday it takes some time to educate yourself as a consumer to what choices are available. If you are looking for a better way to buy flooring that is less frustrating there is a solution.
I believe the best way to start a flooring project is to determine an approximate budget for your project. Once you have established a budget you can then select products that match the amount of money you have available to spend. The first item in establishing a budget is to determine the amount of square feet you intend to include in your project. Simply measure each room's length and width and multiply them together. For example a room that s 15 X 15 feet is 225 square feet.
Once you have an idea of how many square feet are in your project you need to determine how much a specific type of floor will cost you on an installed basis. Below you will find a guide I like to use for 3 popular types of floors:
Carpet $3-4 PSF installed with pad
Wood $8-9 PSF installed
Tile $6-7 PSF installed with grout.
Now keep in mind these are rough estimates of mid-range products. In each category there are products that could cost more and some that could cost less. After you have your budget in mind then you can look for products that are outside of this range.
Once you select the product, multiply it by the square footage of the project and that will give you a budget to use as you select your products. So for the room that was 225 square feet above the product budgets would be as follows:
Carpet 225 SF X $4 PSF = $900
Wood 225 SF X $9 PSF= $2,025
Tile 225 SF X $7 PSF= $1,575
Now that you know an approximate budget for your project you can begin selecting products that will fit your specific need. Good luck and enjoy the process.
I believe the best way to start a flooring project is to determine an approximate budget for your project. Once you have established a budget you can then select products that match the amount of money you have available to spend. The first item in establishing a budget is to determine the amount of square feet you intend to include in your project. Simply measure each room's length and width and multiply them together. For example a room that s 15 X 15 feet is 225 square feet.
Once you have an idea of how many square feet are in your project you need to determine how much a specific type of floor will cost you on an installed basis. Below you will find a guide I like to use for 3 popular types of floors:
Carpet $3-4 PSF installed with pad
Wood $8-9 PSF installed
Tile $6-7 PSF installed with grout.
Now keep in mind these are rough estimates of mid-range products. In each category there are products that could cost more and some that could cost less. After you have your budget in mind then you can look for products that are outside of this range.
Once you select the product, multiply it by the square footage of the project and that will give you a budget to use as you select your products. So for the room that was 225 square feet above the product budgets would be as follows:
Carpet 225 SF X $4 PSF = $900
Wood 225 SF X $9 PSF= $2,025
Tile 225 SF X $7 PSF= $1,575
Now that you know an approximate budget for your project you can begin selecting products that will fit your specific need. Good luck and enjoy the process.