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Getting Over a Poor Body Image Naturally

How we view ourselves comes from our emotions, our perceptions and the lessons we have learned from our associations with others.
Getting over a poor body image has more to do with our inner sense of self-belief than our actual size and weight.
Of course if we are dramatically over-weight then we should look to reduce the amount that we eat and incorporate a healthy eating regime and this is simply because carrying extra weight puts stress on our bodies.
Getting over a poor body image requires us to re-think our own perceptions and learn to like the way we are and then eventually, learn to love the people that we have become.
Our moods can affect how we see ourselves and if we can identify that our perceptions are changeable, then this will help when getting over a poor body image.
Eating disorders are rife in this day and age and women are prone to participate in yo-yo dieting, gorging on food one moment and then starving the body the next.
This type of erratic relationship with food can only be damaging in the long term and makes getting over a poor body image all the more difficult.
Questioning where this unhealthy relationship with food comes from is a good idea.
For many people, behaviours and associations with food, starts in childhood and food can begin to play a negative part as adulthood beckons.
If self-esteem and confidence is impacted, it is important to start making changes to correct any negative eating habits.
Getting over a poor body image is feasible and the following tips will help set you on the route to success: 1.
It is imperative that you are realistic about your size and shape and base your judgements not just on your food but on your genetic history too.
You will always be able to improve marginally but drastic measures should never be considered.
For maximum success, it is important to work with the body and not against it.
Only eat when you are hungry and not just bored or stressed.
Drink plenty of water however and have nutritious meals with the occasional treats.
Increase your exercise but above all make it fun.
If you actually enjoy your exercise regime then you are more likely to stick to it.
Exercise can increase your metabolism, therefore helping you to lose weight naturally.
Accept the way that you are and endorse all that is positive about you by way of visualisation techniques and affirmations as these can really boost a flagging inner self esteem.
Learn to care about yourself.
As a unique individual with many qualities, you deserve to take control of your life.
Getting over a poor body image takes time but with the right mental attitude, it can certainly be achieved.

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