Cars & Vehicles Trucks

Improved Gas Mileage in Trucks

After purchasing eight 4x6 boards, you pull your four-door sedan up to the loading dock at Lowe's.
In disbelief the loading foreman looks at your car, "You want me to put these in that CAR?" As you help him stack the boards in the car, you realize that he's right and it's going to take a second trip to the store in order to get your entire purchase home.
After two round trips to Lowe's you have to wonder if it's worth it to own a truck.
Do gas prices scare you away from owning a truck? Maybe they wouldn't if you knew more about the improved gas mileage in trucks today.
While trucks haven't reached the gas efficiency of, say, a Honda Civic, advances have been made to improve the gas-guzzling models of the past.
For instance, the most fuel efficient truck in existence right now, the Ford Ranger Pickup, gets 21mpg in the city and 26mpg on the highway.
GM's new XFE, or extra fuel economy, trucks are designed to get less wind resistance, be more light-weight by using aluminum instead of steel, and are touted as having the same amount of towing capacity as previous models.
GM is also offering hybrid versions of the Tahoe and Yukon which get around 21 mpg.
Another improvement for 2009, GMC has just unveiled the new Sierra Hybrid and the Denali XT Concept.
The new aerodynamic designs and lightweight materials, combined with hybrid technology are offering consumers more fuel-efficient options.
Whether we are towing boats, lugging timber, or hauling furniture, there will always be a need for trucks, but there is also a need for more economical gas usage.
Manufacturers are listening to the demand and they are working hard to come up with solutions to improve gas mileage in trucks.
So don't write off your need for a truck just yet.
Check out some of the improvements that car companies have made.

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