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Household Management Tools

    Budget Tracker

    • Creating a family budget and tracking expenses will rein in spending and ultimately save money. Computer software programs and spreadsheet applications make it easy to identify areas of excess spending, stay on top of bills and stick to a household budget. However, not everyone can afford a specialized software program or devote time to creating budget spreadsheets. Pull out a calculator and old-fashioned ledger sheets for a low-tech solution to family budgeting.

    Personal Item Inventory

    • An inventory of household items can prove to be an invaluable record in the event of a fire, natural disaster or theft. Keep this information off-site in a secure location, such as a safety deposit box. A complete inventory list will ensure a quick response and accurate reimbursement from the insurance company. This inventory list can be handwritten, or compiled with the help of a computer software package or basic spreadsheet. Include pertinent information such as quantity, model and serial number, date and place of purchase, cost and current value. A photo of the item and receipt are helpful physical references for insurance purposes.

    Recipe Organizer

    • A recipe organizer streamlines meal planning and grocery shopping. Bookmark online recipes right on the Web browser, or utilize bookmarking sites to categorize and organize mealtime favorites. A number of recipe websites offer users the ability to build custom cookbooks and recipe files. Take a hands-on approach by jotting down recipes on cards and storing them in an index card file or binder with pocketed plastic pages. Group the recipes alphabetically by meal, course or family rating.

    Mail Processing

    • Many families procrastinate when it comes to mail sorting. A week's worth of mail can overtake the kitchen or foyer. Find an attractive basket to house all unopened bills, correspondence and miscellaneous pieces. Take an hour once or twice a week and sort the mail. Bills requiring immediate attention should be placed in a tickler file on the family desk. Mail that needs an eventual response can go in a "pending" file. Label file folders for tax documents and insurance policies. Send junk mail to the trash or recycling bin. Use a paper shredder for correspondence that contains confidential information before you discard it.

    Family Activity Calendar

    • Make sure no one forgets an important engagement by posting a family activity calendar in a place of prominence, such as the kitchen. Include sporting events, doctor's appointments, PTA meetings, social gatherings and after-school activities by day and by person. Use a large erasable calendar or whiteboard. Each month, ask everyone in the family to update their schedule.

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