What Causes Diabetes - 4 Tips You Must Know
Diabetes is a metabolic disease its causes can either be traced to the deficiency of the digestive hormone called insulin or the inability of body cells to use available insulin.
Diabetes used to be regarded as the disease of the rich and affluent, but today, diabetes affects even the poor, no thanks to modern civilization.
Diabetes is caused by a lot of factors, but the four causes of diabetes listed below are the more pronounced ones.
These causes are: Overweight Overweight is unarguably one of the top causes of diabetes.
It is said that 60 to 90 percent of those living with diabetes are overweight.
High intake of protein and heavy calorie food will lead to overweight which in turn causes diabetes.
Heredity It is believed that heredity plays a part in the causes of diabetes.
However, there is no explanation of how exactly this happens.
While it is true to say that diabetes tends to run in families, it does not imply that everyone born into such families will develop the disease.
Nor does it imply that those who do not belong to such families will never get diabetes.
It is worthy of note that in families where diabetes tends to run, the members will have a tendency to the illness, but they may not develop the disease if proper precaution is taken.
Some scholars have maintained that what is inherited is not diabetes itself, but lack of the chromosomes that will resist the diabetes condition.
Life Style It has been said over and over again that wrong life style is one of the major causes of diabetes in general.
But how many people are ready to listen? Even as food can nourish life, so can it also destroy life.
When a mother feeds her baby with plenty of soft drinks, sugar, ice-creams, biscuits, chocolate and other refined foods, she thinks she's "civilized" and making her baby "civilized", not knowing that she's destroying the life of her baby.
When a man drinks beer and expensive wines, eats plenty of red meat, drinks coffee with plenty of sugar, he believes he is enjoying life to the fullest, not knowing that he is eating himself to death.
This goes to say that sedentary lifestyle can cause diabetes.
Wrong Medication Self medication has become the order of the day for most people.
The wrong use of drugs as well as long term use of some drugs, can damage the pancreas, which can invariably cause diabetes.
One should avoid them if possible.
Those who constantly take drugs such as asthma drugs, arthritis drugs and contraceptive pills are in danger of damaging their pancreas.
Once the pancreas is damaged, diabetes sets in.
Diabetes used to be regarded as the disease of the rich and affluent, but today, diabetes affects even the poor, no thanks to modern civilization.
Diabetes is caused by a lot of factors, but the four causes of diabetes listed below are the more pronounced ones.
These causes are: Overweight Overweight is unarguably one of the top causes of diabetes.
It is said that 60 to 90 percent of those living with diabetes are overweight.
High intake of protein and heavy calorie food will lead to overweight which in turn causes diabetes.
Heredity It is believed that heredity plays a part in the causes of diabetes.
However, there is no explanation of how exactly this happens.
While it is true to say that diabetes tends to run in families, it does not imply that everyone born into such families will develop the disease.
Nor does it imply that those who do not belong to such families will never get diabetes.
It is worthy of note that in families where diabetes tends to run, the members will have a tendency to the illness, but they may not develop the disease if proper precaution is taken.
Some scholars have maintained that what is inherited is not diabetes itself, but lack of the chromosomes that will resist the diabetes condition.
Life Style It has been said over and over again that wrong life style is one of the major causes of diabetes in general.
But how many people are ready to listen? Even as food can nourish life, so can it also destroy life.
When a mother feeds her baby with plenty of soft drinks, sugar, ice-creams, biscuits, chocolate and other refined foods, she thinks she's "civilized" and making her baby "civilized", not knowing that she's destroying the life of her baby.
When a man drinks beer and expensive wines, eats plenty of red meat, drinks coffee with plenty of sugar, he believes he is enjoying life to the fullest, not knowing that he is eating himself to death.
This goes to say that sedentary lifestyle can cause diabetes.
Wrong Medication Self medication has become the order of the day for most people.
The wrong use of drugs as well as long term use of some drugs, can damage the pancreas, which can invariably cause diabetes.
One should avoid them if possible.
Those who constantly take drugs such as asthma drugs, arthritis drugs and contraceptive pills are in danger of damaging their pancreas.
Once the pancreas is damaged, diabetes sets in.