Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Unity Between Intellect and Emotions Equals Achievement

Most of you would agree that in order to achieve, many things need to fall into place at once.
The most important of these things is the unity between your intellect and your emotions.
What do I mean by this? By intellect I don´t necessarily mean how smart or intelligent you are.
In this case, I am talking more about your ability to think.
Each of us has this ability, of course, but not all of us utilize it to the fullest! Sometimes generating ideas can feel like a laborious process, while nothing can be further from the truth.
The real thinking, the one that moves and shakes your universe, comes spontaneously.
Do you recognize that process, when ideas just flow, all of them seemingly innovative, exciting and joyous? Well, going through a thinking process like this is a sheer pleasure and most productive as well.
As you can see, I have already mentioned the words "exciting and joyous".
Yes, that is when your emotions come into the picture.
When it comes to achievement, the best possible combination happens when our thinking process gets "back up" from our emotions.
Let´s say you are thinking about a new product development (I often do!).
The ideas come and go; some disappear almost instantly while others linger longer.
And then an idea hits that gets your pulse racing, your heart beating and you reach for a pen as you just need to pin it down.
Bingo! When these things happen, you know you are on to something.
You are feeling excited, absolutely sure of your success and you are raring to go.
These are your emotions telling you: this feels right; this feels good; this will work.
Needless to say, turning these ideas into actions and achievements is only a matter of time.
The same process can be applied in many other situations: when you are setting your goals - your emotions will tell you right away the ones you will achieve and the ones that will be staring at you again next January.
It can be used when planning your career or even your next vacation! Master this powerful combination and your thinking will become much more productive, original and fun.

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