Business & Finance Wealth Building

What Is The Real Value In Money

If you were asked by someone, "Do you want some money?" Hmm, I already know your answer. It is a "No". What? I'm gravely mistaken? Okay, I'm just kidding, I know it is a "Yes" unless you are one of the very rare species of human who doesn't want money. In this article, I'm going to talk about the inherent value of money, why people desire it, why my cat wants it (don't ask why), and why majority of people doesn't enjoy the abundance of it and what can we do to stop our obsession over it. Yes, you are obsessed about it and you'll get over it soon.

In reality, money is just a piece of paper and metal printed with some weird symbols. Our ancestors long time ago decided to facilitate trading with the use of these symbols. It even evolved with the advent of the Internet in such that it is now represented by a series of 0 to 9 digits you can now see on your monitor screen. These symbols got its value because of the agreement between traders.

People want money not because of its value. Yes, it is not the value and you are reading me right. People want it because of the freedom it provides. If you have money you are free to buy almost anything you want, free to go almost wherever you want and free to do almost anything you want. There is "almost" in there because there is always an exemption.

If you think about it, if anything you desire just comes to you, you won't even need money. Money is just the popular means. You won't need money if house and lot, cars, girlfriends, boyfriends, tour tickets, movie tickets and clothes just come to you. Some people are so obsessed with money that they already forgotten what they are really after for, which is freedom.

There is nothing wrong in wanting so much money though. Just don't get over "gaga" over it. Don't kill people just to have it. Don't scam people just to have it. Anything you want would come to you if you just let it in. Be it money, relationships and bodily condition there are no exemptions.

Notice how rich people talk about money? They only talk about the abundance of it. Notice how well people talk about health? They only keep talking about how healthy their body is. I could go on and on and now you want to tell me, "But they talked about it because they do have it". No! They first talk about it and they become it.

I know you want to argue more but as with anything there's always an end. As a final note, don't wait to have money to be free. You are free as you are before, now and will always be. Be easy about it. Freedom is a choice. Be free.

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