How to Make a Civil War Era Hoop Skirt
- 1). Cut your waistband ribbon in half and sew together on both long edges. Lay on flat surface.
- 2). Cut the ribbon for the cage in six pieces.
- 3). Fold each of the cage ribbon pieces in half lengthwise and sew to attach the raw edges to the waist band at equal intervals.
- 4). Measure two inches from the folded ribbons, or bottom of your cage and sew across the folded ribbon. Repeat on other five folded ribbons.
- 5). Measure from your stitching line up eight inches on all six folded ribbons. Repeat two more times from each stitching line. When complete you will have four smaller sections for your cage on all six cage ribbons.
- 6). Run drawstring cord through the waistband casing made in step one.
- 7). Cut flexible hose in lengths of 50 inches, 70 inches, 90 inches and 110 inches.
- 8). Insert the longest hose into the cage ribbon at the bottom fold. Continue with the next longest in the second two inch spacing. Repeat until all of the pieces have been inserted into all of the two inch sleeves.
- 9). Use tape to connect the ends of hoses on each row.