Copywriting and Marketing Mistakes: 2 Danger Signs That You Are Meddling And Not Marketing (Yes You)
Every once in a while I am faced with a task I don't want to do.
That's just a part of life - it certainly isn't meant to be all beer and skittles.
It might be I'm stuck on a client project, I might have a deadline looming so that I can get something off of my lap into the lap of one of my suppliers.
Like anyone who is human I might find myself staring off into space or doing something that I find enjoyable rather than doing what I need to do but 'just don't want to do' Sometimes that is nothing to the levels of procrastination and meddling I see from my clients.
I have a theory that entire empires get built so that people can avoid what others consider mundane tasks.
Not Facing Up To The Task At Hand.
The most common meddling indicator is trying to take the task you need to do and try and turn it into something else.
For example, when you know you need to go and make some follow up calls and instead you find yourself endlessly rewriting your website.
No website design is going to overcome the fact that you need to make those calls.
And the worst part is usually when you are done rewriting your website, you haven't contributed as much as you could have to your bottom line.
It has been a costly exercise in lost revenue.
I've seen entrepreneurs do this sort of behaviour endlessly - they just don't want to face up to the task at hand.
My key to getting around this is to make the things I want to do a reward for doing what needs to be done.
The other secret I've discovered is to stay critically focused on my numbers and know what my time is worth when doing a given task.
Being All To Eager to Jump To Any Distraction Distractions are fun.
No getting around that - when you are faced with a task you don't want to do, then anything is better than what you are currently doing.
It is a horrible nasty trap.
Especially when you have something important to get done that you don't want to do.
The phone calls, a family member asks you to do something for them.
ANYTHING to avoid working on what needs to be done.
The only remedies I know of are to lock yourself in a room and do what needs to be done or be aware of the behaviour and don't get sucked in.
Some introspection into what is driving unproductive behaviour might be beneficial if you are that way inclined.
That's just a part of life - it certainly isn't meant to be all beer and skittles.
It might be I'm stuck on a client project, I might have a deadline looming so that I can get something off of my lap into the lap of one of my suppliers.
Like anyone who is human I might find myself staring off into space or doing something that I find enjoyable rather than doing what I need to do but 'just don't want to do' Sometimes that is nothing to the levels of procrastination and meddling I see from my clients.
I have a theory that entire empires get built so that people can avoid what others consider mundane tasks.
Not Facing Up To The Task At Hand.
The most common meddling indicator is trying to take the task you need to do and try and turn it into something else.
For example, when you know you need to go and make some follow up calls and instead you find yourself endlessly rewriting your website.
No website design is going to overcome the fact that you need to make those calls.
And the worst part is usually when you are done rewriting your website, you haven't contributed as much as you could have to your bottom line.
It has been a costly exercise in lost revenue.
I've seen entrepreneurs do this sort of behaviour endlessly - they just don't want to face up to the task at hand.
My key to getting around this is to make the things I want to do a reward for doing what needs to be done.
The other secret I've discovered is to stay critically focused on my numbers and know what my time is worth when doing a given task.
Being All To Eager to Jump To Any Distraction Distractions are fun.
No getting around that - when you are faced with a task you don't want to do, then anything is better than what you are currently doing.
It is a horrible nasty trap.
Especially when you have something important to get done that you don't want to do.
The phone calls, a family member asks you to do something for them.
ANYTHING to avoid working on what needs to be done.
The only remedies I know of are to lock yourself in a room and do what needs to be done or be aware of the behaviour and don't get sucked in.
Some introspection into what is driving unproductive behaviour might be beneficial if you are that way inclined.