Cars & Vehicles Trucks

Truck Wash Start Up Configurations Considered

Lets say you want to buy a truck wash but you are unsure if you should go fully robotic or automatic off the bat and you realize that most truck drivers are leery of automatic truck washes preferring a complete hand wash? What should you do? Well I recommend that you go buy three Landa Skid Pressure washer units.
One with a Honda Motor incase you lose power, and the other two you can plug in.
Use 1-inch hoses to wet the trucks and pressure wash off the soap while removing debris.
Then have a ring rinse as the drive out, with a hose coming off the ring rinse when it is bad weather so you can complete the job inside if you have too.
Save your money, but build the bays apart by quite a bit of space inside incase you wish to convert one bay to fully automatic.
Save the money, later go with a trailer automatic only and hand wash tractors.
Then perhaps take the third bay and go fully automatic.
Eventually, if things catch on you can rent have all automatic in two-bays and rent the third for truck detail, oil change or use it fro high-priced hand wash at $70.
00 to $85.
00 down the road.
Make money, go in with less capital your ROI will be shorter and you can expand from their.
Even if you are unlimited in capital, beware of costs on your way in, because you should be efficient and profit motivated.
Make money.
Those are my thoughts and recommendations really.
Consider this in 2006.
Next caller you are on the line.

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