Health & Medical Diabetes

Why Diabetes Drugs Can"t Cure High Blood Sugar

After a two-year investigation, the U.
Senate has released a 342-page report showing that the popular diabetic drug Avandia is associated with a 43% greater risk of heart attack.
The report says that the manufacturer (GSK) was well aware of the risks.
The senators even caught the FDA and GSK conspiring to do a trial comparing two of their diabetes drugs to see which one killed the most people.
I'm not joking.
In the case of many diabetes drugs like Avandia...
one must ask the question: How does it lower blood sugar? It doesn't vaporize it! The simple answer is that it turns sugar into fat tissue.
Sure, you avoid life-threatening high blood sugar levels..
All the while you're packing on the pounds, putting strain on your heart and creating a new life-threatening condition called cardiac arrest.
Ideally, drugs should be a short-term band-aid while you heal the real issue.
Otherwise you will son find your doctor prescribing more drugs to counteract the effects caused by the drugs he already gave you.
Instead of relying on a drug (for the rest of your life) to counter high blood sugar...
Wouldn't it make so much more sense to reduce your need to produce insulin? It can be as simple as taking an hour's walk each day, cutting back on the carbohydrates and eating more vegetables and proteins.
If type 2 diabetes starts to set in...
it's not your body saying you that you need a prescription for the Almighty Avandia.
It's telling you there's a better way to live - and you're missing out!

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