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How to Change an Oxygen Sensor

    • 1). Hook up the code reader under the driver's side dash panel. Turn the ignition key to the on position, with engine off. Press the read button on the code reader. Write the code down and look at the sheet that came with the code book. This will tell which of the sensors has gone bad.

    • 2). Raise and support the car on jack stands. Locate the wire connector to the oxygen and disconnect it. Remove the oxygen sensor with the wrench or socket--whichever fits.

    • 3). Screw the oxygen sensor in and connect the wire connector. Make sure the wires are not touching the exhaust. Also make sure that if the wires are jostled around, they cannot fall on the exhaust.

    • 4). Let the car down and install the code reader. Turn the key to the on position and press the erase button to clear the check engine light. Start the vehicle to make sure the code has been erased (the "service engine soon" light will be off if the code has been erased).

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