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Do Pregnant Women Need High Blood Pressure Treatment?

Do Pregnant Women Need High Blood Pressure Treatment?

Do Pregnant Women Need Blood Pressure Treatment?

Controlling blood pressure doesn't seem to affect baby, but may prevent problems for mom

But in this trial, the degree of blood pressure control did not affect a woman's risk of pregnancy loss or having a baby who needed a stay in the newborn intensive care unit, Magee said.

The findings are based on nearly 1,000 pregnant women from 16 different countries who had high blood pressure. Half were randomly assigned to "tight" blood pressure control, and half to "less tight."

High blood pressure is defined as above 140/90 mm Hg. For the tight-control group, the goal was to get that second number (the diastolic pressure) to 85 or lower; for the less-tight group, the goal was 100 or lower, according to the study.

Treatment involved regular blood pressure checks and, for most women, medication -- with the dose adjusted when needed. Usually, women took a drug called labetalol, which is the blood pressure medication most commonly used during pregnancy.

In the end, Magee's team found no differences in how the two groups fared, except for one: Almost 41 percent of women under looser blood pressure control eventually developed severe high blood pressure (a reading of 160/110 mm Hg or higher), while just 27.5 percent of women on the tighter regimen developed severe high blood pressure.

Severe high blood pressure can generally be quickly brought down with IV medication, Martin said. The main concern is that it can lead to a stroke in some women.

But, that didn't happen in this trial to women with higher blood pressure. However, one woman on the stricter treatment regimen had a stroke.

Martin noted that the less-aggressive approach can be easier for women, with less blood pressure monitoring at home and the doctor's office.

However, Magee said she believes the risk of severely high numbers is not acceptable if less-intensive treatment has no clear benefit for babies.

"Before this study, I was for less-tight control," she noted. "Now I've changed my practice."

Until now, studies on this issue have been small or lower-quality, according to Magee. She said current professional guidelines vary because of that lack of strong evidence.

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