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How to Use the Defrost on a Volkswagen Beetle Classic

    • 1). Turn on the car and let it warm up for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the outside temperature. Direct all vents to the windows. Turn on the "Fresh Air" knobs. This will be cold, but will help defrost.

    • 2). Locate the "Heater/Defroster" control levers. They will be between the driver and passenger seat, one on each side of the emergency brake.

    • 3). Raise the lever to the right of the emergency brake (nearest the passenger). When the lever is completely up, the heat is turned on, and when the lever is completely down, the heat is off. Adjust the angle of the lever for different degrees of heat. The faster the engine is running, the more hot air will flow into the cab.

    • 4). Adjust the lever on the left of the emergency brake (nearest the driver) to direct where the heat goes. When the lever is up, all the heat is directed to the foot wells in the cab. When the lever is down, the heat is directed to the front and side windows. It may take some time to remember which is which. You may want to buy new caps for the levers with labels printed on them.

    • 5). Rock the defrost button up or down to turn on/turn off the rear window defroster (this button is located left of the steering wheel on the dash). If it doesn't work after about 3 minutes, check the back window for the connecting electrical wire. If the wire isn't present, this wire may be purchased.

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