Health & Medical Food & Drink

Interesting Facts About Black Tea

Black tea comes from tea plant, camella sinensis.
It is a shrub commonly grown in the Asian countries particularly China and India.
Vast plantations are also found in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Taiwan.
Camella sinensis is the same plant source for green, white, and oolong variants of this drink.
However, they differ in how the leaves are processed.
Among the teas mentioned, black tea is the most oxidized and is stronger in flavor.
The resulting beverage has a characteristic dark red to reddish brown color.
The "black" in black tea refers to the color of the oxidized leaves used in making the beverage.
Generally, black tea is named after the regions where they are produced.
For example, Keemun and Bai Lin Gong Fu tea is named after the provinces in China where they are sourced.
Assam and Darjeeling tea originates from India, and Ceylon from Sri Lanka.
Each tea has different characteristics but all are types of of the same plant.
When brewed it can be drunk plain or mixed with other plants.
A specific blend is produced when black tea is mixed with other herbs, spices, and fruits.
Examples of blends are Earl grey, English breakfast, English afternoon, and Irish breakfast teas.
Milk can also be added to produce milk tea, which is becoming famous nowadays.
The tea is usually sold in loose leaves and in teabags.
Whole leaves produce higher quality than those fine, powdery leaves used in teabags.
However, teabags are more convenient and are commonly used compared to loose leaves.
A tea filter and a bigger pot are used when brewing loose leaves while a teabag can be brewed in a smaller cup.
To brew you leaves, hot water (not boiling as it makes it slightly bitter) is added, the teabags or leaves are steeped for 2-3 minutes before removing.
To enjoy cold tea, the mixture can be cooled or added with ice.
For centuries, black tea has been drunk for its medicinal uses.
Black tea is abundant in polyphenols, plant chemicals that are considered as antioxidants.
Antioxidants help prevent cancer.
It reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and hypertension.
Because of its high caffeine content, black tea is a good energy booster and helps with mental functioning, memory retention and recall.
This drink has been around for such a long time, and it is well believed that it will be around for the upcoming future so it is best to get acquainted with it as soon as you can.

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