Catabolism and how to Avoid it by Eating Whole Protein Foods
The period when the body is resting and repairing muscles at night when one is sleeping is referred to as post-absorptive period. One or two hours after one has finished eating during the day, the period is known as the postprandial period. This is the time the body is digesting and absorbing nutrients. There needs to be large increases in the level of amino acids in order for an increase in level of protein. 20 to 30 grams of fast digesting protein including eggs, protein drink and cottage cheese serve to increase protein synthesis and prevent catabolism. Catabolism is wastage of body muscle in the body due to not enough protein supply in the body. The time when process of catabolism takes place is mostly at night
An overnight period at night is the longest post absorptive period when the body is not being fed. When post absorptive period is long, it results to a depletion of protein muscle and muscle glycogen. According to research, an overnight fast results to a breakdown of muscle protein exceeding synthesis of muscle protein. In gut and liver region etc, the opposite occurs where the synthesis of protein exceeds its breakdown. This can be a demonstration showing breakage of muscle at night to feed the gut, liver and other tissues. To keep out of the post absorptive period and prevent loss of muscle overnight, one need to have an understanding of how the body handles amino acids and protein under normal conditions and that is how an understanding of how to avoid catabolism comes in. Net protein status should be high and is determined by protein synthesis minus protein breakdown.
Large increase in levels of amino acids is necessary to increase levels of proteins in the body. A meal of protein containing about 20 to 30 grams of fast digesting protein including cottage cheese, eggs and drinks of protein goes a long way in supply of large volumes of amino acids in the body. In order to inhibit breakdown of protein in muscles requires small increase in levels of amino acids. Catabolism in the body would be avoided if the mentioned factors are followed to the latter. To stimulate protein synthesis of protein in the body, phasic bursts of protein are needed in the body. The source of phasic protein include protein drinks and cottage cheese. These proteins prevent catabolism by keeping synthesis of protein high compared to breakdown.
An overnight period at night is the longest post absorptive period when the body is not being fed. When post absorptive period is long, it results to a depletion of protein muscle and muscle glycogen. According to research, an overnight fast results to a breakdown of muscle protein exceeding synthesis of muscle protein. In gut and liver region etc, the opposite occurs where the synthesis of protein exceeds its breakdown. This can be a demonstration showing breakage of muscle at night to feed the gut, liver and other tissues. To keep out of the post absorptive period and prevent loss of muscle overnight, one need to have an understanding of how the body handles amino acids and protein under normal conditions and that is how an understanding of how to avoid catabolism comes in. Net protein status should be high and is determined by protein synthesis minus protein breakdown.
Large increase in levels of amino acids is necessary to increase levels of proteins in the body. A meal of protein containing about 20 to 30 grams of fast digesting protein including cottage cheese, eggs and drinks of protein goes a long way in supply of large volumes of amino acids in the body. In order to inhibit breakdown of protein in muscles requires small increase in levels of amino acids. Catabolism in the body would be avoided if the mentioned factors are followed to the latter. To stimulate protein synthesis of protein in the body, phasic bursts of protein are needed in the body. The source of phasic protein include protein drinks and cottage cheese. These proteins prevent catabolism by keeping synthesis of protein high compared to breakdown.