How to Get a Good Outdoor Tan
- 1). Apply the SPF product on every exposed part of your body. Pay particular attention to delicate areas like the inner thigh, earlobes, and the back of your neck. If you can't reach a spot, get a friend to apply the lotion for you.
- 2). Lay down on your back or stomach for fifteen minutes. Turn over and expose your other side for fifteen minutes. Drink some water to stay properly hydrated.
- 3). Repeat step two. If you do not have a base tan, it's time to stop for today. You want to build your tan slowly, evenly and safely. If you have a base tan, you can continue for another 30 minutes per side, but avoid exceeding 2 hours, particularly in the southern part of the United States. Your skin is the largest organ in the body and too much on-going UV exposure causes damage.
- 4). Go inside and check your progress. You'll see some tan lines, but color doesn't develop instantaneously. It increases over several hours. Rinse off the SPF and moisturize your skin.
- 5). Follow the same protocol on the next nice day. Avoid the noon hour if possible. It's easier to burn from 11 am to 1 pm due to the sun's strength.