Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Natural Home Remedy For Hemorrhoids

There are 3 types of hemorrhoids which can happen to an individual namely external, internal or even both.
It can also be referred as piles.
It pains and the veins surrounding the anus are swollen and inflamed.
There are natural proven remedies which you can use to combat hemorrhoid right there in the comfort of your home.
Some of the remedies are: 1.
When you are bathing, don't wash the anal area with pressure or rather excessively.
If you do this; it's going to increase the irritation and pain coming from the hemorrhoids.
When you feel the urge to excrete, quickly go to the toilet rather than waiting, if you do wait; it may result to constipation which may be embarrassing if you are in a public place.
While in the toilet don't stay for long especially when sitting down, just do your thing and leave, sitting there for long intensifies piles.
Exercises are also proven to reduce the pain from hemorrhoids.
Exercise as more often as you can.
Do all round exercises and don't concentrate on a specific region.
Avoid sitting in a place for long.
I suggest you walk around for some minutes before coming back to sit down.
It's advisable for one to sit in a particular place for more than 30 minutes or more when you have hemorrhoids.
Whenever you finish bathing or when you want to visit the toilet, take small quantity of petroleum jelly and massage at your anus.
This is necessary to enable the easy release of your bowel movement.
Choose to lie down rather than sitting or standing.
Resting down on the bed relieves the pain from hemorrhoids instead of sitting or standing.

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