Treating Hemorrhoids After Pregnancy
Pregnancy Hemorrhoids Pregnant women are more prone to developing hemorrhoids due to certain hormonal changes in their body.
It can take place during your pregnancy or right after.
Hemorrhoids look like varicose veins and once they get irritated, it becomes swollen.
It can be very itchy and painful, not to mention embarrassing at times.
One of the causes of this disease is too much pressure on the rectal area.
The walls in the veins rupture due to the amount of blood in them.
Your situation will definitely worsen if you tend to stand or sit for longer periods of time.
If you have hemorrhoids before you became pregnant, then it is more likely that you'll develop it now.
Labour Concerns Labour entails a lot of pushing and straining.
It is an inevitable thing when you go into labour.
For this reason, you should not be surprised if you discover that you have hemorrhoids right after giving birth.
You need not worry too much however, since your hemorrhoids will most likely disappear as soon as your body recovers from your labour experience.
Hemorrhoid Treatment Having hemorrhoids is a very difficult situation.
Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent and cure it before, during and after pregnancy.
One of the best ways to prevent having hemorrhoids is to avoid constipation.
When you are constipated, you tend to strain a lot when moving your bowels.
To prevent this, eat lots of fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables.
You can even take fibre supplements.
There are also essential oils specially made for pregnant women like you which can help prevent the formation of hemorrhoids.
Warm Water Therapy One way of relieving yourself from the pain is to soak in warm water for 10 minutes, 6 times a day.
Soaking in warm water will soothe the affected area and you'll definitely feel a lot better.
Use medicinal pads that contain witch hazel to thoroughly clean and soothe the area.
Clean It Up and Don't Scratch After bowel movement, make sure that you clean your rectal area with fresh water or baby wipes.
If the area continues to swell, put some ice pack on it.
Never scratch it as it may get irritated and will only make matters worse.
It can take place during your pregnancy or right after.
Hemorrhoids look like varicose veins and once they get irritated, it becomes swollen.
It can be very itchy and painful, not to mention embarrassing at times.
One of the causes of this disease is too much pressure on the rectal area.
The walls in the veins rupture due to the amount of blood in them.
Your situation will definitely worsen if you tend to stand or sit for longer periods of time.
If you have hemorrhoids before you became pregnant, then it is more likely that you'll develop it now.
Labour Concerns Labour entails a lot of pushing and straining.
It is an inevitable thing when you go into labour.
For this reason, you should not be surprised if you discover that you have hemorrhoids right after giving birth.
You need not worry too much however, since your hemorrhoids will most likely disappear as soon as your body recovers from your labour experience.
Hemorrhoid Treatment Having hemorrhoids is a very difficult situation.
Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent and cure it before, during and after pregnancy.
One of the best ways to prevent having hemorrhoids is to avoid constipation.
When you are constipated, you tend to strain a lot when moving your bowels.
To prevent this, eat lots of fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables.
You can even take fibre supplements.
There are also essential oils specially made for pregnant women like you which can help prevent the formation of hemorrhoids.
Warm Water Therapy One way of relieving yourself from the pain is to soak in warm water for 10 minutes, 6 times a day.
Soaking in warm water will soothe the affected area and you'll definitely feel a lot better.
Use medicinal pads that contain witch hazel to thoroughly clean and soothe the area.
Clean It Up and Don't Scratch After bowel movement, make sure that you clean your rectal area with fresh water or baby wipes.
If the area continues to swell, put some ice pack on it.
Never scratch it as it may get irritated and will only make matters worse.